Jon Chait on who gets credit for the Clinton budget surplus: It wasn't Clinton's boldness alone...
Category - Economy
Colbert Demonstrates Trickle-Down
Also, watching the montage of various angry white guys on FNC and CNBC, I couldn't help but to...
The Small Business Lie
Here's one of the "very serious, reasonable and wise" Republicans, Newt Gingrich, lying about how...
Congress Had Better Unf-ck Itself
Krugman: But what’s worse is the growing evidence that our governing elite just doesn’t care — that...
Alan Greenspan Opposes Bush Tax Cuts…
...Unless they're paid for. "I'm very much in favor of tax cuts but not with borrowed money and the...
Pence-Bot is a Spending Machine
Self-declared "fiscal hawk" Mike Pence wants to continue spending $560 million a year on a military...
Circulate This Graph Everywhere
The Wall Street Journal compares the 2011 income tax burden with and without the Bush tax cuts. It...
Bush Tax Cuts Won't Create Jobs
Christina Romer explains: First, extending the high-income tax cuts would provide very little job...
Paul Ryan Wants to Raise Your Taxes
Yesterday on Hardball, Congressman Paul Ryan -- you know, one of the smart Republicans -- was...
Tax Cuts = Deficit Spending
I'm sure various Republicans will insist he's a liberal shill (he's not), but a guy from Moody's...
Fiscal Hawkery
Someone needs to show this graph to Kent Conrad and all of the Republicans who are screeching about...
Financial Reform Overview
Karoli brings us this very helpful and informative overview of what's in the FinReg bill. In...
Worst Person
Is there any right-wing meme that Kent Conrad won't repeat? This time, he agrees with the GOP that...
Another Achievement To Be Ignored
Today: President Obama this morning signed into law the most sweeping reforms of the financial...
Stimulus vs. Tax Cuts
As we all know, Republicans are willing to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich (without paying...
Good News on Unemployment Benefits
West Virginia could save the day: Around 2 p.m. (ET), Carte Goodwin will be sworn in to temporarily...
The Party of No Ideas
In addition to Big John Cowboy getting all kerfuffled on Meet the Press, here's Republican Pete...
Via Duncan, here's a Meet the Press exchange illustrating how specific the Republicans are when it...
The Worst Unemployment News Yet
Via Ezra Klein, Brookings has some scary projections on job creation and the unemployment rate. ...
Flip. Flop.
Greenspan finally sees the light on the Bush tax cuts. July 15 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal...