The southern red states not only take the most in federal money and welfare support even though...
Category - Education
Ted Cruz Sees Commies in His Soup
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has a list of communists residing in the halls of Harvard Law School, but...
Kansas Education Committee: Teachers Must Debunk Climate Change in Science Class
Kansas state lawmakers are pushing a bill that would command teachers to include evidence in their...
Oklahoma GOP: Legitimizing ‘Jesus Rode a Dinosaur’ in Science Class
Under new legislation proposed by Oklahoma Republicans, teachers would be prohibited from punishing...
Fit for Combat
Artist – Pat Bagley In other news, Governor Chris Christie is very, very angry. Also —...
Today in Voter Suppression
Indiana Republicans are considering a bill that would deny the right to vote to students who pay...
The Dumbest Idea in Recent Memory
Is there a more clear sign that students in your state don’t stand a chance if a literary...
Usher and Accenture Invest in Training 50,000 Youth Leaders
This is really damn cool. Usher’s New Look, a non-profit organization founded by Usher Raymond IV...
A Model for the Nation
If there's one thing Republicans should have taken away from the 2012 election cycle, it's that you...
Judge: Bobby Jindal’s Jesus Rode a Dinosaur Education is Unconstitutional
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal suffered a setback today when his school voucher program was ruled...
The Cost and Debt of Knowing Important Things
In 1993, around 45 percent of students went into debt in order to attain a bachelor's degree...
John Boehner is a Lying Sack
Speaker of the House John Boehner put on his most serious face today while delivering a speech in...
Student Loans Become Pawn in GOP’s War on Obamacare
John Boehner is concerned that the "challenges that young Americans face" are being used for...
With All Due Humility
President Obama spoke to a crowd of college students at the University of North Carolina today, and...
Dick Quote of the Day
"I went through school, I worked my way through, it took me seven years, I never borrowed a dime of...
Tennessee Approves Cooties Bill
I didn't think it was possible to make abstinence-only education even more useless, but apparently...
What’s Wrong With Arizona?
Arizona has already banned teaching ethnic studies in K-12 public schools, however now that...
During his address to the National Governor's Association today, President Obama reiterated the...
Every Child Left Behind
As you may be aware, the Bush-era No Child Left Behind policy has been a colossal failure. The...
California Loves Prisons
More money is being spent on prisons than on education in California. In chart form: It's a great...
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