Piers Morgan interviewed Jonah Goldberg last night. I assume every political guest ever was either...
Category - Election 2012
Bin Laden's Dead, Romney Would've Let Him Go
The president hit back at Mitt Romney's claim that anyone would have ordered the attack that killed...
The Obama campaign has released a new seven minute video cataloging the accomplishments of the...
Quote of the Morning
"Shame on Barack Obama for diminishing the memory of September 11th and the killing of Osama bin...
The President Leads Romney with Rove Math
Seriously. Karl Rove's map has the president leading Romney in electoral votes. I dig how Ohio...
The Romney campaign has a brilliant foreign policy approach: fight a war that's already over...
Forget the Last Three Years
Resurrecting a line of attack from 2008, the Republicans appear to be making a case that President...
Quote of the Morning
"I think it’s that program, just updated." Alexandra Franceschi, Specialty Media Press Secretary of...
It's Too Late for Doocy to Clarify Anything
By now I'm sure you're aware that Steve Doocy added extra words to a quote from President Obama:...
Regarding the Whole Osama/Obama Thing…
In his latest item, New York Times Public Editor Arthur Brisbane asked the question, “Who is the...
A Mitt Romney Flashback
Remember this?You stay classy, Mr. Romney. The 2008 election was insane. This one will be worse.
Chart of the Day
No one is donating to Mitt Romney. (via TPM) The unitemized donations are donations made by people...
Racist Romney Campaign Banner
I don't know for sure whether it was intentional, but Romney appeared on stage in front of this...
Romney Fever! Catch it!
Indiana governor Mitch Daniels is infected with a pulse-pounding case of Romney fever! Stand back...
With Friends Like These, Who Needs Saboteurs?
Romney foreign policy spokesperson Richard Grenell is evidently a prolific Twitter user and tends...
President Obama vs. Mitt Romney on Energy
In convenient chart form: Any fellow liberals who dare to snark about both parties being the same...
Romney Fever is Not Contagious
The enthusiasm is electrifying! Senator Marco Rubio says that he would not accept the vice...
Dog Meat Gate! Impeach! Impeach!
The right-wing blogosphere and the Romney campaign are having fun with the "revelation" that...
Bad Lip Reading: Joe Biden
"They'll think you're offering a funky munch" made me snarf my coffee. Almost as funny as the real...
Nugent Won't Be Stumping for Romney
Buzzfeed assembled a list of 10 really creepy things Nugent has said and done. For example: 4...
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