Even though he's prone to gaffes, it's hard not to love Joe Biden, especially when he displays the...
Category - Election 2012
Newt Gingrich: Obama is With The Terrorists
Even though he's killed Bin Laden and al-Awlaki, and destroyed al-Qaeda's leadership, Gingrich...
Romney's New Anti-Obama Ad is a Lie
I know. Shocking. The Romney video uses footage from Obama’s trip to New Hampshire in 2008. In the...
Mitt Romney’s Astonishing Lack of Small Donors
According to renowned rocket scientist Karl Rove, President Obama has a "money problem" because he...
Say Anything
You've all seen Mitt Romney's fantastical claim that President Obama actually wants the price of...
Romney: Teachers Can't Be President
I watched Romney's victory speech last night and he appeared typically spastic, jittery and...
Ballot Weirdness in Illinois
If you were a Santorum voter in Illinois -- first, welcome, and I won't apologize for all of the...
The Santorum Economic Agenda
Evidently his plan is to do nothing. “Republicans don’t believe that presidents fix the economy.”...
Clueless Republican Voters
Here's the results of a PPP poll of Republican voters planning to participate in the Illinois...
The Mitt Romney Cheesy Grits Remix
Warning! This will be stuck in your head forever. From "NewsHit" on YouTube:
The Republican War On Porn
Rick Santorum knows what's seriously hurting America. Republican presidential candidate Rick...
'The Road We've Traveled'
Here it is. Davis Guggenheim's documentary about President Obama's first term.
Quote of the Morning
“One of the ones promoting that [a brokered convention] is Sarah Palin, who has suggested herself...
Winning Them Over
If Santorum got his act together it's possible he could emerge as the nominee, but as always he...
Chart of the Day
via ThinkProgress, a visualization of the popular vote count vs. delegate count at this point in...
An Obvious Outlier
My gut reaction to the CBS/NYTimes poll showing a 9 point drop for President Obama in one month was...
The Next Dick Cheney
Gingrich might end up being Santorum's Cheney. And that's effing scary. A senior adviser to Newt...
Cheesy Grits Didn't Help Romney
Mitt Romney continues to flail and lose in the red states -- the only states that the eventual...
No Credit For You!
Greg Sargent notes that the new New York Times/CBS poll could be bad news for the president...
Santorum Intends to Take This to the Convention
There's a new memo from the Santorum campaign indicating a delegate strategy that could lead to a...
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