Santorum playing the "duh" card. “President Obama once said he wants everybody in America to go to...
Category - Election 2012
Why Was Romney's Stadium So Empty?
TPM investigates. But this quote from a Romney spokesperson really doesn't help their cause: “I am...
Headline of the Week
HA! And gross.No indication that it was deliberate.
More of Mitt Romney's Serial Lying
Benen continues to document the bullshittery. The latest in what Krugman calls a "campaign of...
Romney Fever! Catch It!
ThinkProgress with the best graphic of the week.Whooo! Vote Romney! (Someone has to say it.)
The Million Dollar Obamabot
Bill Maher wins the day. During a performance of his comedy special "CrazyStupidPolitics" Thursday...
More Like This Please
Gaffes come and go, but Mitt Romney's "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" op-ed in the New York Times...
Tonight's Arizona Debate
My intention isn't to deliberately hype another Republican debate, but tonight's event in Arizona...
The Most Sensible Thing Romney Has Said
On the surface, it's pretty miraculous for a Republican to acknowledge that spending cuts hurt...
Chart of the Day
via TPM As you can see, Romney is the clear anomaly by a long shot, raising nearly 90 percent of...
Rick Santorum: "Satan has his sights on the United States of America!" Republican presidential...
I Love Lamp
The Romney Unit loves things that he sees. Someone should've held up a lamp. Seriously, this is the...
Newt Gingrich is a Cartoon Man
His latest blast of nonsense: "You can't put a gun rack in a Volt." Nine words. Piles of self...
Here We Go Again
The thing with the completely race-driven "Obama is really a Muslim" thing isn't just the...
Those Lazy Guys Who Won WWII
Rick Santorum yesterday: But remember, the Greatest Generation, for a year and a half, sat on the...
He's Not A Muslim. Wink Wink.
Republicans are shameless smearmongers.
Santorum Deploys Secret-Muslim Dogwhistle
Speaking to a crowd in Ohio yesterday, Rick Santorum invoked fear of The Other and implied that...
The Surges
This is probably the best illustration of the various and fickle surges throughout the primary...
Chart of the Day
This is why the gap between President Obama and Mitt Romney is beginning to widen. Independents...
Romney Didn’t Win Maine. Yet.
While Mitt Romney was originally declared the victor in the Maine Republican caucus, that ruling...
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