Paul Noel, a contractor for the US Army at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, wrote one of the larger...
Category - Environment
The Cap Isn't Working
It's drinking the oil, but not nearly enough. So far, BP has failed to significantly stem the worst...
The Oil Could Spread all Over the Atlantic
Oh good. BOULDER—A detailed computer modeling study released today indicates that oil from the...
There Won't Be Blood
I mentioned this about the Exxon Valdez in my Huffington Post column this week, but it bears...
And We're Seriously Doing More Nuclear?
This just in: Natural gas and drilling fluids are spewing from an out-of-control well in Clearfield...
Eat Less Meat
If you're angry about the oil-soaked birds, maybe try eating less meat. Achim Steiner, Executive...
They Drink it Up!
As I've been suggesting for weeks now, BP stands to make millions from the oil it's harvesting from...
Haley Barbour is a Big, Sweaty Dumb Stupid
Boss Hogg opens his mouth for something other than pie. Stupid remarks pour out. Barbour described...
The Dead Animals
If anyone says "drill, baby, drill" to my face, I will summarily punch them in the throat. Why...
Emasculation Nation
by BP has America by the balls. After years of video games and twenty-four-hour-a-day infotainment...
Has Oil Reached the Keys?
Possibly. The U.S. Coast Guard has begun investigating reports of "an oily substance and tarballs"...
One Little Victory
This is good news. WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is blocking all new offshore drilling in...
Bobby Jindal Wants More Drilling
This is just unbelievable. Arguing that his state had already suffered crippling economic...
BP Establishes a No-Fly Zone
What the hell is this crap? BP is suddenly deciding who can and can not fly over the Gulf of Mexico...
Oil Consumption
Wow. The United States drinks a crapload of milkshake. Via Robyn O'Brien
My Point Exactly
Robert Reich reports: A petroleum engineer who's worked in the oil industry tells me BP is doing...
The Really Stupid Nuclear Option
I can't even believe people are seriously considering the notion of shoving a nuclear bomb into the...
No Sir. I Don't Like It.
Come on, really?! Today, the [MMS] approved a new drilling permit for an offshore well in the Gulf...
BP's Coverup and Whitewash Continues
BP and their subcontractors are instructing cleanup workers to not talk to the press: One woman...
Palin Revisionism
It's beginning. The "drill baby drill" crowd are beginning to change their story. Remember when gas...