When I say that the tremendous amount of money spent on this election was not a waste because we...
Category - Ethics
Notorious Birther Donald Trump to Robo-Call, Stump for Romney
Someone at Romney HQ seemingly felt there was a need to reiterate that there is no daylight between...
Romney Frightens Auto Workers for Political Gain
Last week the Romney campaign claimed that, because of President Obama, Chrysler was planning to...
About Those Charitable Donations
I wouldn't call this a "bombshell," because we already know Romney's finances are riddled with...
Romney Adviser Would Profit From Bigger Navy
There may be more to Romney's not-so-clever pander on the size of the Navy, which he comically...
This Conspiracy Film is Brought to You by Frank Luntz
According to a new report from the New York Times, the reason some anti-Obama films and faux...
About That Debate Prep
Your mileage may vary, but this solicited a hearty guffaw from me as I read it. DAYTON, Ohio—Was...
82 Percent of Lowest Paid Staff Were Women
We already know Romney's "binders full of women" story was a lie and that the binders in question...
Dinesh D’Souza is a Horrible Person
That's right, wingers. The man behind your beloved faux documentary, 2016, which portrays a...
Romney: Tell Your Employees Who to Vote For
This just dropped on the intertubes today and it's bound to cause a stir. Listen to Mitt Romney say...
Pointing Fingers
A common theme among the Romney campaign, and during the vice presidential debate, has been to...
Best Persons
After his son was suspended and assigned alternative school for standing up for a special-needs...
Say Anything
Longtime George Romney aide Walter De Vries is no fan of Mitt. In fact I think it would be fair to...
Stockman: Romney is No Job Creator
Ronald Reagan’s budget director David Stockman tore into Mitt Romney today at The Daily Beast...
Romney “Presided Over” Expansion Into China, Russia
Mitt Romney may have had no influence on Bain Capital's attempt to partner with Huawei in their...
“I Don’t Trust Romney”
After Mitt Romney recently began invoking the name of a deceased Navy SEAL who was killed in Libya...
Shady Dealings: Huawei and Bain Capital
The Dem rapid response team debuted this ad today following a 60 minutes report last night and the...
The Most Awful Thing I’ve Read Today
The Connecticut State Supreme Court is reprehensible for this. In a 4-3 ruling Tuesday afternoon...
I Came To This Planet To Harvest Your Jobs
David Corn of Mother Jones released another video handed to him today of Mitt Romney speaking in...
NRSC Decides Not to Shut That Whole Thing Down
Now that there is no way for Todd Akin to be replaced, the establishment is warming back up to him...
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