Eduardo Saverin, the co-founder of Facebook infamously played by Andrew Garfield in The Social...
Category - Ethics
A Pack of Dogs
After The Washington Post unveiled the story of a young Mitt Romney forcibly cutting the hair of a...
Heinous Charges Against Joe Arpaio
I can think of no other way to describe the charges against Joe Arpaio handed down by the...
A 50-year-old Hate-Crime?
The Washington Post dropped a bomb today revealing a very ugly story from Mitt Romney's childhood...
House GOP Just Says No to VAWA
The new and improved version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) passed the senate last week...
We’re All Losers
According to John Boehner, the gaping chasm that separates Mitt Romney from the average American...
Mitt Romney Fun Time
You can't make this shit up. What’s the most fun thing Mitt Romney ever did? According to senior...
Mitt Romney is a Scumbag
This is inexcusable. The Romney campaign suggested Friday that President Obama should release notes...
Ha! Rape is Super Funny!
No. No it isn't. And for some reason it required a worldwide-trending embarrassment and widespread...
A Lying Liar
Many people have already seen this as it has already made its way around the intertubes, but I'm...
A Real Zinger!
The Etch-a-Sketch isn't the only Team Romney gaffe in town during the past 24 hours. Romney's top...
Chris Christie Is Still A Jerk
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie raged out on a constituent again today who was objecting to his...
Kasich Subtlely Walks-Back Tornado Victim Refusal
After two days of deservedly-harsh criticism of Ohio Governor John Kasich, some of which came from...
Governor John Kasich Steps on Tornado Victims
Sorry victims of the recent Tornado super-outbreak which flattened several small towns in Ohio...
Rick Santorum: Ugly and Wrong
Rick Santorum claims he is not one of the "elite," however I can think of few things more elitist...
Cory Booker Smash
Newark Mayor Cory Booker responds to Governor Chris Christie's earlier comments calling for a...
Another Skeleton in the Bain Closet
Establishment Republicans have categorized attacks on Romney's Bain history as an attack on free...
I’m Not Racist. I Just Profited From Racism.
The idea that Ron Paul was unaware of, or not involved with, the gold-coin-pedaling, racist...
I Did Not Have Sex With That Newsletter
While Ron Paul continues to deny that he had any knowledge of the contents of the disgraceful...
The Republican Frontrunner is a Grifter
Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint with the Federal...
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