House Majority Shitkicker Eric Cantor reiterated his position on Fixed News today that we will have...
Category - Ethics
Yet Another Anti-Gay Crusader Is Exposed
Exposed in more ways than one. Senator Robert Arango, who was the Vice Chairman of George W.Bush...
Pledge Writers Sucking The Big Government Teat
Remember that pro same-sex marriage pledge which several Republican presidential candidates signed...
Guilty Until Proven Rich
There's blaming the victim, and then there's punishing the victim. Military contractor KBR is...
Patently Corrupt
This is a bit much even for a group of people as distinguished as they in the art of corruption...
Poll Taxes By Another Name
If you want to talk about things which are un-American, this should certainly appear near the top...
Another Anti-Gay Crusader Goes Wide-Stance
Another one bites the dust. Indiana state Rep. Phillip Hinkle (R) is embroiled in controversy after...
Rick Perry’s Execution Fetish
The state of Texas is well known for having one of the harshest justice systems in the country, but...
Socialism Is Okay If You’re A Republican
Medicare fraudster and arch-enemy of proper governance, Governor Rick Scott of Florida, has no...
Spending Is Okay If You’re a Republican Continued
Despite the dire cries of "wasteful spending" and "failure" concerning the federal stimulus...
Government Spending Is Okay If You’re A Republican
If you weren't already aware, a creationist-themed amusement park, which depicts Noah's ark, man...
Leave Mica Alone!
The man at the center of the FAA shutdown, which persisted for two weeks prior to Senate Majority...
House Majority Shitkicker
After the FAA was shuttered almost two weeks ago, federal ticket taxes, to the tune of $200 million...
A Very Clear Example
Since the stroke of midnight on Friday night, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been...
Darrell Issa: Debt-Ceiling Deadline Is A Hoax
As Bob just pointed out, 65% of Teabaggers and 53% of all Republicans believe that breaching the...
Rife With Fraud
Under Paul Ryan's fiscal road-map which we lovingly refer to as the "Path to Poverty" in mockery of...
It’s None Of Your Business
Earlier this year, Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey signed into law deep cuts to public...
Making The Case For Sabotage
Around here, Republican obstructionism and backpedaling on the economy has been rightfully called...
A Shameful Disgrace
I do not live in New York, and it may be a long time before I ever have a chance to visit there...
Fat Jesus and Ailes
Following a request by Gawker Media for records of correspondence between Governor Chris Christie...
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