I laughed so hard at this clip last night I literally could not finish eating dinner. Visit msnbc...
Category - Ethics
Heartless and Shameless
This is borderline unbelievable, even for the Republicans. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said...
Voter Suppression in Wisconsin, Florida
The states of Wisconsin and Florida, in an act of clear desperation, joined the ranks of Republican...
Republicans for Small Government
Small enough to fit into your bedroom. The Massachusetts legislature is conducting hearings...
Worst Persons: Rick “The Frothy” Santorum
Rick "The Frothy" Santorum issuing a rebuttal to John McCain regarding the merits of torture. I...
60 Minutes Interviews Robert Gates
An extraordinary interview. I can't say what the un-written history of Robert Gates will be, but I...
Exciting Benefits
This isn't exactly a shock, but it hasn't been very long since the merger between NBC and Comcast...
Going to Great Lengths
Ok, ok. Yes the president was born in Hawaii, but, he was an illegitimate child born to a con-man...
A Cynical Ploy
Republican budget-wizard Paul Ryan sat down for an interview with Christiane Amanpour today, and...
Diddling The Secretary
Not only is this hilarious, but it's also one of the sanest things I've seen come out of the mouth...
The Consequences of Legislative Power
So, as most of you know, an agreement was reached last night during the 11th hour to avert a...
The Riders
There has been a lot of chatter lately over the "policy riders" that the Tea Party wants to shut...
Chris Christie’s Double-Speak
Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey seems to have a love/hate relationship with unions - meaning...
Raw Cronyism
It's good to be the king, or in the case of Scott Walker's Wisconsin, its good to be the son of a...
Just To Remind Everyone
From December 10th The Obama administration Thursday urged Senate leaders to reject a legislative...
Illegal and Shameless
Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald has made it loud and clear that he is in fact a...
A New Low in Florida
Just when you thought one of the heads attached to the Republican-Governor Hydra of Awfulness...
Starving The Beast
When John Boehner spoke to the press to say "read my lips -- we're going to cut spending," he...
Worst Persons
Today's worst brought to you by Republican Florida state Rep. Kathleen Passidomo, for engaging in...
McConnell: Lets Not Exploit Tragedy
Posted by JM Ashby In a not-so-stunning role reversal, Mitch McConnell decided to use his exclusive...