Erick Erickson doesn’t mean to be ugly but, if you have a job and you’re paid less than...
Category - Ethics
Rand Paul’s Double-Speak on Racial Injustice
As you may recall Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) wrote an op-ed two weeks ago denouncing the...
Mike Ditka is a Clueless Asshole
While I would and have said that hiring the likes of Frank Luntz, Lanny Davis, George “Macaca...
Paul Ryan Says Don’t Prejudge Ferguson But He Already Has
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) appeared on Fox & Friends today and said that...
Dan Snyder’s Outreach Campaign Continues
You can’t make this shit up. Washington football team owner Dan Snyder’s outreach...
Rand Paul Stands for Everything and for Nothing
There’s some truth to what Rand Paul told the New York Times this week about same-sex...
Charles Koch: People on Food Stamps are Dependent Addicts, Have No Work Ethic
I don’t need to explain why comparing a poor person on food stamps to a drug addict is wrong...
Rand Paul Opens Mouth, Reveals He’s Clueless
Over the weekend the Obamas said that they would like to see their daughters work minimum wage jobs...
Darrell Issa is a Lying Liar
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and his colleagues have long contended that the...
House Republicans are so concerned about the plight of veterans they’re planning to spend...
John Boehner Still Doesn’t Know What He’s Suing For
Offering no specifics whatsoever, Speaker of the House John Boehner attacked the president for his...
Darrell Issa Has “Facts” That Lead Nowhere
House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa can’t point toward a “smoking...
John Boehner Wants to Sue the President for… Something
A spokesman for the speaker of the House has reportedly confirmed to The Hill that Boehner is...
The Next Witch Hunt
Remember Darrell Issa? Whatever happened to that guy after he was handed his hat by House...
“The Takers” Unwittingly Appear in McConnell Campaign Ad
Remember the Ohio coal miners who lost a day’s pay and were forced by Murray Energy to appear...
Fox & Friends Hosts Are Ghouls
Here’s Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade saying that Bowe Bergdahl’s father...
According to the New York Times, meetings that members of the media have had with disgruntled...
The Biggest Scandal Surrounding The VA Is The GOP
Just like to follow-up on an excellent commentary by Ashby this past Friday. When president Obama...
The League Of Extraordinary Journalists
Last month, the story of the mysterious theft of the Sandy Hook memorial signs was picked up by...
Why Does Darrell Issa Hate America?
As expected, Grand Dragon and House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa has reissued his subpoena of...