While explaining why he opposes abortion, Fox News host Mike Huckabee referred to the Civil War as...
Category - Ethics
The Chivalrous Sugar Daddy Mike Huckabee
It wasn’t very long ago that former presidential candidate and Fox News host Mike Huckabee...
Sorry Not Sorry
House Oversight Comittee Chairman Darrell Issa has reportedly offered some form of apology to...
Paul Ryan Shames Poor Parents, Poor Kids
I was going to say something witty or snarky about this, but frankly this may be the most...
The Only Anti-American Person in the Room is Pat Toomey
During his speech at CPAC — the GOP’s version of vacation bible school — Senator...
Darrell Issa is an Ethics Nightmare and a Coward
Watch House Oversight Chairman Darrell “Witch Hunt” Issa (R-CA) rudely cut off and...
Rand Paul is Running for President
Here’s the surest sign yet that Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is both running for president and is...
Money Well Spent
Douchey Silicon Valley investor Tim Draper is putting down nearly a million dollars of his own...
The GOP Doesn’t Care About Veterans
Congressional Republicans have been haranguing about veterans benefits for weeks, but when they had...
Blue Dog Dilemma
When a red state Democratic or a “Blue Dog” does something I don’t approve of, I...
That’s Not a Bad Thing
Dick “Dick” Cheney does not approve of the plan to downsize the military because...
Frank Luntz Sets Out To Ruin Sports, Too
Trying to bill itself as a ’24 hour sports news network’ that dedicates a...
Georgia state officials have approved a new licence plate featuring a confederate flag that covers...
Class Clowns On Parade In Chattanooga
Big win for union-busters this weekend. CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. – Workers at...
Keystone XL Is More Than Just A Larger Carbon Footprint
Polluters are still rejoicing after the State Department issued its final impact assessment in...
The SOTU Curse
I’m beginning to believe in the idea that whoever delivers the Republican State of the Union...
Sochi is a Horrorshow
Under different circumstances I would snark about unethical, unsavory, and possibly illegal...
Remembering What A Unitary Executive Looks Like
You would think that President Obama’s recent Executive Order calling for a raise...
For Christie and the Star-Ledger, What a Difference a Few Months Make
The New Jersey Star-Ledger is calling from the impeachment or resignation of Governor Chris...
The Next Witch Hunt
While the Department of Justice seeks to crack down on financial predators and fraudsters, House...