The Nelson Report, a Washington insider newsletter, cracks the Bubble Boy's plastic shell: There is...
Category - George W. Bush
Some perspective on Bush's $10,000
Bush's annual income: $1.6 million Amount donated to relief effort: $10,000 Percentage of annual...
Multi-millionaire Bush donates $10,000
George W. Bush has just made a personal donation to tsunami relief in the sum of $10,000 (AP story)...
Dismantling Social Security
Finally the mainstream press is catching on that Bush and his cronies are not trying to "reform"...
Reducing the deficit with one easy lie
We all know that Bush has plans to reduce his party's tax-cut-and-spend federal budget deficit in...
Now that Bush was finally shamed into substantially increasing American aid to Southeast Asia; the...
Not so far apart
While Bush and the religious right repeat the idiot mantra that the terrorists "hate our freedoms"...
How much does Jeb cost?
Much has been made on this site already about how little the U.S. cares about the victims of the...
Torture Bad
A new memo released yesterday by the Justice Department repudiates a previous DOJ memo from August...
NY Times blasts miserly Bush
The New York Times pounded the White House today: "The person who made that statement was very...
Priorities of a 'compassionate' leader
$35 million.$40 million.
VIDEO: "Comedy"
While Faramir and his men are sent to die in an impossible conflict, Lord Denethor indulges himself...
My Pet Goat II: Still Missing
Where is Mr. Bush? On vacation, clearing brush, talking goo-goo talk with Barney the dog, mopping...
Bush's shrinkage and some history
George W. Bush's current job approval rating is somewhere in the range of 49% (Fox, for example...
Open your Bush playbook to page 2003
First noted by Josh Marshall at TPM, the Boston Globe is now discussing the startling similarities...
Bush: $15 million to tsunami relief
I'm not inclined to politicize such a large scale disaster, but an initial U.S. pledge of $15...
A mandate?
So Bush feels that his slim margin election victory gives him a mandate that represents the "will...
Bush on poverty: "What's a 'poverty'?"
CNN had this cheery holiday report for the era of George W. Bush, Compassionate Conservative:...
Do Bush's "neighbors" include evildoers?
George W. Bush's Christmas message: Christmastime reminds each of us that we have a duty to our...
Josh Marshall: Bushies in "lying phase"
Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo brought up a typically insightful comparison between the...