Yet another transvaginal probe law. But it's been the law for a year now. North Carolina’s...
Category - Healthcare
No Transvaginal Ultrasound in Alabama
Republicans in Alabama have backed off their rape bill: In a Virginia-like turn around, the sponsor...
State Sanctioned Rape in Pennsylvania
Republicans are obsessed with inserting state-mandated medical probes into women's vaginas. Now in...
State Sponsored Rape in Alabama
Alabama -- shocker -- is picking up where Virginia left off. WASHINGTON -- Alabama Gov. Robert...
Worst Person in the World
Dr. Zaius (Brent Bozell) for this: Brent Bozell, founder of the Media Research Center, is providing...
No Transvaginal Ultrasound Bill in Virginia
External ultrasounds only, but still a sinister anti-woman piece of legislation. Virginia Gov. Bob...
Hero of the Day
This. A thousand times this. A Democratic lawmaker in Georgia is responding to a Republican-backed...
McDonnell Backs Away from Ultrasound Bill
Another tentative victory for activism against these bastards. [Virginia Governor] McDonnell is...
Worst Person in the World
CNN's Dana Loesch for this: LOESCH: That’s the big thing that progressives are trying to say, that...
This Is Exactly How the Far-Right Thinks
Karl Rove revealed a little too much about how the Republicans regard President Obama. Speaking...
Walking Out on Darrell Issa
Bravo to the Democrats for standing up to Darrell Issa's "He-Man Woman Haters Club" yesterday...
Crazy Quote of the Day
"This contraception thing, my gosh, it's [so] inexpensive. You know, back in my days, they'd use...
Virginia Republicans and Their Vaginal Probe
Here's what Virginia Republicans will require if you happen to need abortion services. The...
'Where Are the Women?'
Via Maddowblog, here's Darrell Issa's panel of experts at his hearing about birth control today. If...
Where Are All These Free Emergency Rooms?
Ann Coulter on Fox Business: Since the healthcare reform debate, I've been hearing references to...
Give Them an Inch…
Attention, women of America -- the Republicans will never allow you to have affordable access to...
Send Your Medical Bills to Rick Santorum
Rick Santorum thinks birth control is cheap. SANTORUM: [I]nterestingly enough, here is what they...
TV Thinks Men Know More Than Women
Who better to talk about contraception for women than a shitload of men? Your cable news networks:...
Republicans Will Not Compromise. Ever.
Despite giving religious organizations a way around the birth control coverage law, Republicans...
President Gives Religious Groups an Out
On the contraception coverage front, I think this is fair without giving away the store. Health...
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