The CBO says it'll cost $849 billion over ten years and cover 31 million additional people. Also...
Category - Healthcare
Plouffe on the PhRMA Deal
I'm on a conference call right now with David Plouffe. I asked him about the PhRMA deal and how it...
Ben Nelson Loves the Cartel
In this New York Times piece about the conservadem filibuster of healthcare, this line jumped off...
Hang Onto Your Butts
Senate healthcare reform bill. Today at around 5 p.m. And at 5:01, the "end of the world"...
Don't Panic
There's a lot of posturing going on right now in the Senate with debate ready to commence any day...
According to the new ABC News poll, 72 percent of Americans support the public option. Meanwhile...
The Drug Companies are Renegging
This ought to be reason enough for the Senate to drop the deal with PhRMA and proceed with Medicare...
The Case for Reconciliation
Robert Reich makes the case for reconciliation in an open letter to Harry Reid. In doing so, he...
Thanks to the So-Called Fiscal Hawks
Yet another strong argument in favor of a Medicare-plus-5 or Medicare for all healthcare bill. The...
Pro-Life Bob Casey Knows the Score
While I disagree with my senator on abortion, I really admire Bob Casey's approach on Stupak...
This Will Make You A Little Barfy
Remember when we were watching the floor debate before the healthcare vote last week? Here's a...
Conference by the State of the Union?
I felt like torturing myself this morning, so I turned on the Chris Matthews Show. Michael Duffy...
Whoops Again
The Republicans are still flipping their shit over the fact that their 18 year health insurance...
No CBO Scoring for You!
Ezra reports that the CBO scoring that was due today was pushed to next week probably because it...
Mandates and the Constitution
I've been asked multiple times whether or not individual mandates are constitutional. My best...
The RNC employee health insurance plan, via Cigna, covers abortion. According to several Cigna...
The 'Progressive' Trigger
I'm a little concerned about this item indicating that the White House thinks the trigger is "more...
No Government Wood
Digby doesn't want government money paying for Viagra and other ED medications. It's worth noting...
Super Stupid
This is just staggeringly dumb. Sens. Conrad, Gregg, Evan Bayh (D-Ind.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif...
Harry Reid Keeps the Ball Moving
The Hill reports: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) late Tuesday laid the groundwork for...