These final stages of the healthcare reform process have the potential to make us totally lose our...
Category - Healthcare
Finance Bill Passes
And healthcare reform makes it out of Finance. 14-9 with President Snowe voting for the bill. Yes...
MSNBC: The Place for Lobbyists
On your "liberal network," Chris Matthews just had an AHIP health insurance lobbyist on Morning...
Corruption Finds A Way
The White House is countering the health insurance lobby (AHIP) with a report showing very...
Better To Never Have Loved At All
On MSNBC today: SHUSTER: If you start with a public option and you leave it up to states to decide...
Eff You, Insurance Lobby
Following up on this AHIP report, the health insurance cartel is basically saying that if the...
Evidence of the Bastards
This AHIP report on the Finance Committee bill is all the evidence anyone should require to prove...
Best Healthcare System Ever.
No insurance for "fat" babies: By the numbers, [four-month-old] Alex [Lange] is in the 99th...
Who Are We?
SiCKO is on cable right now. The sequence about the 9/11 workers and their struggles to get very...
Public Option Juggernaut
The new Quinnipiac poll: [T]oday, Democrats can find some encouraging poll data in the latest...
Sticking It to the Blue Dogs
This is extraordinarily smart politics: Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will submit multiple...
'Opt Out' Public Option Gaining Momentum
Josh Marshall: ...just on the face of it, this sounds like a compromise reformers could embrace...
Olbermann's Special Comment
What an outstanding hour of television. The following section entirely nailed why healthcare reform...
This Might Be A Good Idea
...unless you live in a conservative state. Sam Stein reports: Senate Democrats have begun...
CBO Scores the Baucus Bill
They say it'll cost around $829 billion and reduce the deficit by $81 billion. They also noted that...
Baucus Might've Screwed Himself
I haven't had a chance to post about this, even though it's fairly important. Senator Baucus never...
Best Healthcare System Ever.
Digby describes a report on CNN about an illegal immigrant who needs kidney dialysis, but private...
The Burger You're Eating Sucks
While I'm on the tainted food tip today, I caught this New York Times article about the meat...
Republicans Falling in Love with Baucus Bill
Arnold, Tommy Thompson, Bloomberg, Bill Frist. They're all embracing the Baucus Plan. And it's not...
Betsy McCaughey Makes Ass of Self. Again.
This was very entertaining. Anthony Weiner and Dylan Ratigan running circles around anti-reform...