I was initially very critical of the Dylan Ratigan Unit. But his work on healthcare reform lately...
Category - Healthcare
The Obama Strategy on Healthcare
BooMan does an excellent job of laying out what's happening in terms of the White House approach to...
25 Blue Dogs Endorse the Public Option
This is very encouraging news. Hopefully this will lend political cover for the rest of the Dogs...
Good Luck with That, Harry
One day, we might have some actual Democratic leadership in the Senate. For now, we have Harry Reid...
Let's Just Slow It Down
This happens all the time, but it's necessary to put a face to the tragedy. A 22-year-old woman...
A Wonky Snap! For Kent Conrad
I've been a ballbuster on Kent Conrad lately -- and he deserves it. But credit where credit is due...
Go Senator Stabenow!
Today in the Finance Committee: SENATOR KYL: "I don’t need maternity care, and so requiring that to...
Corporate Takeover of American Lives
That's precisely what Kent Conrad wants. Mandates and no public option. Because that's what America...
The Public Option is Fiscally Responsible
The public option saves money, according to the CBO: In a bid to wrangle concessions from the Blue...
Eaten Alive
The LA Times: The legislators' reluctance to control premium costs comes despite the fact that they...
Kent Conrad Is Clueless
During an interview, Kent Conrad accidentally revealed how his brain snaps into GOP Talking Points...
Just a Reminder
The president and the Democrats aren't suffering Baucus and Conrad voluntarily. There's a very...
New CBS/NYTimes poll on the public option: "Would you favor or oppose the government offering...
Public Option Tab Dump
Just arrived home after a long day of trains and subways. Lots of stuff happening with the public...
This Is How They'll Pass The Public Option
Senate Democrats, lead by Bernie Sanders, appear to be whipping votes to break a Republican...
And We Have 60
Governor Patrick is about to announce that longtime Democratic leader and Kennedy friend Paul Kirk...
Get A Room
The Republicans loooooove health insurance companies. Republicans took to the floor of Congress...
Kent Conrad Is Up To Something
Kent Conrad appears to be playing tricks with the CBO with the goal of stalling healthcare reform...
Racial Resentment and Healthcare
Knowing several hard-line conservatives, one of whom once said to me, "How could you vote for a guy...
Runner Up For Best News of the Week
It looks like we'll have 60 Democrats. But leave it to Harry Reid to gum it up somehow.