Many of the writers and experts who are softening on the importance of the public option have...
Category - Healthcare
Bite Sized Healthcare Reform
Tonight on the Blog Talk Radio show, Stranahan explained that the president should've approached...
Don't Believe the Scorpion
Chuck Grassley is asking the Democrats to give his scorpion ass a ride across the river. Sen. Chuck...
That NBC Poll on the Public Option
Here's a shocker. NBC changed the wording of their public option poll question and yet they...
For Snowe and Enzi Maybe?
Gibbs tosses cold water on shutting out the Republicans: White House press secretary Robert Gibbs...
They're The Mafia
John Cole echoes Congressman Weiner: Hell, I can't, for the life of me, figure out what value the...
Conference Committee Exposed (Wonky)
Ezra games out what the conference committee could look like, as far as retaining the public option...
Healthcare Lies Debunked
Oliver Willis has joined the fight for the public option in a big way. Welcome aboard, sir. As part...
Winning Healthcare, Not Bipartisan Porn
The Democrats appear to have decided that actual healthcare reform -- hopefully with a strong...
Go Barney Frank
All you can really do is shame and humiliate these nincompoops. Reasoning with them, as Frank...
The Multiple Dimensions of Obama Politics
Noam Scheiber: Around the conference table at TNR, we've been saying for weeks that what Obama...
Shocker! A key member of Republican leadership in the Senate declared on Tuesday that a cooperative...
A Line in the Sand
I hope Kent Conrad and Max Baucus are paying attention to this: In an interview with the Huffington...
Town Hall Wingnuts Are Classy
ThinkProgress: Woman yells ‘Heil Hitler’ to Jewish man praising Israel’s national health care...
Congressman Weiner Nails Scarborough
This is really something to behold. The stunned silence from Scarborough when the congressman asks...
Quote of the Day
"So the next time you hear someone warning against a "government takeover" of our health care...
Obama Politics vs. Bush Politics
This quote from Matt Taibbi seems to be making its rounds. And as I wrote in the comments...
Republicans Are Mostly Clueless
This is funny and not surprising: I’ve gotten an advance look at the relevant question from the...
And Then They Came for the Co-Op
Lesson in Republican politics. You give up the voluntary end-of-life reimbursements and they come...
Did I just hear Chris Matthews tell Charlie Cook and Pat Buchanan that the gun-toting wingnuts who...