There’s some truth to what Rand Paul told the New York Times this week about same-sex...
Category - LGBT
Bachmann: The LGBT Community Are All Child Rapists
I’m sorry to say, Michele Bachmann is still a sitting member of Congress representing...
House GOP Advance Boehner’s Lawsuit Which He May or May Not Even Care About
The House Rules Committee authorized John Boehner’s lawsuit against President Obama today in...
The White Whale
Artist – Joe Heller In other news, Big Oil company ExxonMobil has announced that it will...
Artist – Tim Eagan In other news, President Obama is expected to sign an executive order on...
“These Arguments Are Not Those of Serious People”
A federal judge struck down Kentucky’s ban on same-sex marriage today, saying that arguments...
Conspiracy Theory
You can give Dr. Ben Carson points for originality, I suppose. Typically when someone speaks of the...
Heads Up: God Will Destroy America Soon Because of Obamacare
American Family Association President Tim Wildmon says that, between gay rights and Obamacare, God...
Obama Admin. Announces Historic LGBT Workplace Protection
Bringing us one step closer to the apocalypse, the Obama administration announced today that...
Welfare Flora
Artist – Jen Sorensen In other news, the Republican party of Texas has reportedly blocked the...
Don’t Eat At This Shitty Restaurant Staffed by Shitty People
A gay couple were told that they are not welcome at Big Earl’s Bait House and Country Store...
Brain Damage
Artist – Pat Bagley In other news, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) warns us that Democrats are trying...
Virginia GOPer Rants About “Sodomy Marriage”
Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall (R) apparently thinks he has a tighter grasp of the law than the...
Let’s Be Clear
Just to make sure there was no confusion in his remarks, Florida State Representative Charles Van...
Conspiracy Theory
Florida State Representative Charles Van Zant (R) regrets to inform you, but Common Core education...
Fox News Just Can’t Quit Homophobia
Sometimes all you need is a picture to tell a story. (via Media Matters) Why is Michael Sam being...
“Radicals on the Right”
This may be the least self-aware thing you’ll ever see. ROBERTSON: You know how the...
Ironically Named Rep Ponders Gay Sex and Garbage Trucks
As South Dakota faces challenges to its ban on same-sex marriage, state Representative Steve Hickey...
Just Plain Wacko
Artist – David Horsey In other news, both Fort Hood shooters reportedly purchased their guns...
Mississippi Joins The “Religious Liberty” Crowd
The Mississippi House and Senate have approved a bill that would allow businesses to discriminate...