With annual contribution limits of roughly $6,000 for your average American or $30,000 for a man...
Category - Lying Liars
Romney 2002 vs Romney 2012
In 2012 it's convenient for Mitt Romney to claim he had no ties with Bain Capital between 1999 and...
Romney’s Bermuda Money
Last month The Washington Post ran the stirring story about Romney's Bain Capital shipping jobs...
Mitch McConnell is a Lying Liar
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) spoke outside of Hardin Memorial Hospital in...
Fact Check: Romney Says No New Trade Agreements
During his speech in Ohio today, Mitt Romney made the erroneous claim that President Obama had...
Say Anything
According to Mitt Romney, Obamacare is killing small business, and he's using a furniture business...
Obama’s Fault
Mitt Romney gave a speech at a shuttered factory in Ohio today wherein he blamed President Obama...
Chris Christie is a Lying Liar
Shortly after taking office New Jersey Governor Chris Christie canceled a tunnel project, which was...
Say Anything
Two weeks ago the Romney campaign released a statement to the National Journal calling on President...
Say Anything
It's time for another installment of Say Anything with Mitt Romney. Here he is speaking today. “We...
Mitt Romney Keeps Lying
Mitt Romney is not only lying more often as the primary draws to close, he's also telling bigger...
Allen West is a Terrible Liar
Representative Bobby Rush was removed from the floor of the House yesterday because he wore a...
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