"One closing remark that I want to make: It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right...
Category - President Obama
The False Overton Window
Kevin Drum posted a solid piece about the Obama administration's disconnect with the progressive...
POTUS Versus Hedge Fund Jagoff
From today's town hall, here's the president disassembling a hedge fund assbag: I wrote this after...
This Isn't Helping, Mr. President
I can totally understand why, privately, the administration might be frustrated with the scattered...
The Pipe Dream Realized
Ezra Klein reports on the Elizabeth Warren conference call today: The White House held a conference...
The President of the United States
Thank you, Mr. President. There are better ways to honor this day and those who fell, other than...
Freefall! IEEEEE!
If you only watched cable news all day, you'd think President Obama was about to resign in disgrace...
The End of Bipartisanship?
Jon Cohn on today's fiery speech by President Obama in which he called out John Boehner by name:...
Eff the Goddamn Rug
In case you missed the news today, the big scandal is that the Oval Office rug accurately...
Impeach! Impeach!
Just like every modern president who has appeared on television, the president used a telemprompter...
Just a Friendly Reminder
Nope. The Obama administration and the Democrats haven't unraveled 30 years of Reaganomics and...
The Creeping Stupid
Via Yglesias: Nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, said they think Obama is Muslim, up from...
It Wasn't a Backpedal. Sheesh.
I've been getting wingnut and firebagger emails all day hectoring me (for some reason) about the...
John Cole is fed up with the progressive poutrage... If George Bush had had the kind of legislative...
Special Comment and a Beer Summit
Olbermann last night. The President has shown a willingness to give the Professional Right not just...
Gibbs Clarifies His Remarks
Sam Stein has the statement here. Rather than hectoring and insulting the left, it's more...
Gibbs Gets Snotty
Robert Gibbs sat for an interview with The Hill and had some sharp words for the "professional left...
A Wise Man
Robert Reich (who I hope will forgive me for pull-quoting so much of this): The Republican base is...
Just Words
Actually, no. Just words and a long list of serious accomplishments. Here's President Obama's...
The president today: Think about what these stalling tactics mean for the millions of Americans...