To be clear, Jeb isn't against Latino "anchor babies." He's against Asian babies.
Category - Racism
“Expressions of Patriotism”
Schools ban the confederate flag because they hate patriotism, Fox & Friends says.
Jeb Says He Needs Another Term for “Anchor Babies”
Jeb says he doesn't know what else to call them.
The GOP Frontunner Calls for Amending the Constitution, Ending Birthright Citizenship
Donald Trump unveils his immigration policy platform.
Bobby Jindal Will Intervene on Behalf of the Confederacy
Jindal's office is exploring its options to save Confederate statues.
Secret Border Control Agent Steve King is Also a Secret Latino
Steve King lets us in on a secret about his heritage.
Nope, Not Racist At all
It's heritage not hate, they say, but they waved it at the first black president.
Donations? Huckabee Spoke to the Council of Conservative Citizens
Huckabee delivered a videotaped speech to the white supremacist group in 1993.
The Church Shooter’s Mentor Donated to GOP Campaigns Including Cruz, Walker, Paul
Dylann Roof's mentor has donated to many GOP campaigns.
The Church Shooter is Sitting Next Door to a Killer Cop
Is there something in the water?
Graham: The Confederate Flag is “Part of Who We Are”
If a symbol of slavery is part of who you are, maybe who you are sucks.
South Carolina: We’ll Never Understand? We Do Understand.
I cannot take Governor Hikki Haley seriously.
Worst Persons in the World
Assholes shout racial insults at a group of Girl Scouts.
Racist Rep. Steve King Adds Garbage Amendments to Garbage Appropriations Bill
Steve King cannot contain his contempt for people who aren't white.
Gohmet: Iraq Was Going Fine Until Secret Muslim Obama Ruined Everything
Iraq would have turned out just fine if Obama wasn't a secret Muslim saboteur.
Larry Pratt: Baltimore Protesters Should Have Been Shot
If he were alive at the time, would Larry Pratt side with the British?
Kill an Unarmed Black Man, Go On Vacation in the Bahamas
"Tone deaf" doesn't even begin to describe the situation.
Steve King: Manage Immigrant Students With Indentured Servitude
Steve King wants to bond immigrants just like people who've been let out of jail.
You Can’t Make This Shit Up
The latest in GOP outreach.
President Obama Exists Therefore Birthers Are Incited
The president is guilty of presidenting while black.