The so-called liberal media is at it again, referring to an unarmed teen as an “unarmed teen...
Category - Racism
Diet Racism
Here’s College Humor with an entirely accurate and hilarious mockery of everyday racism...
Steve King’s Dogwhistles and Rational Society
Secret Border Control Agent Steve ‘Calves the Size of Cantaloupes” King (R-IA) is...
Mike Ditka is a Clueless Asshole
While I would and have said that hiring the likes of Frank Luntz, Lanny Davis, George “Macaca...
Best Persons in the World Meet Worst Persons in the World
ThinkProgress has a simultaneously encouraging but also depressing story of a man who wanted to...
Paul Ryan Says Don’t Prejudge Ferguson But He Already Has
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) appeared on Fox & Friends today and said that...
Conspiracy Theory: Larry Klayman’s Race War Edition
Leader of the failed revolution and anti-NSA complainant Larry Klayman warns us that President...
Why It’s Not Shocking To See This ‘Impeachment Now’ Billboard with Giant Black Testicles
America has collectively gone nuts. Among other things, garment-rending mobs from the far-right to...
This War on Whites
Artist – Rob Rogers In other news, the Chris McDaniel campaign has finally filed a lawsuit...
Steve King Blows Dog-Whistle: Ferguson Residents All Appear to Be From the Same Continent
It’s actually more of a bullhorn than a small dog-whistle. Iowa congressman Steve...
Rest in Peace
Artist – David Horsey In other news, Fannie Mae will pay the Treasury Department $3.7 billion...
Dan Snyder’s Outreach Campaign Continues
You can’t make this shit up. Washington football team owner Dan Snyder’s outreach...
Conspiracy Theory
It looks like more people are coming around to William Gheen’s idea that President Obama...
Mo Brooks is Still Very Confused
As long as we agree that words still have meaning, we can also agree that Representative Mo Brooks...
Charles Koch: People on Food Stamps are Dependent Addicts, Have No Work Ethic
I don’t need to explain why comparing a poor person on food stamps to a drug addict is wrong...
Outreach: Secret Border Control Agent Steve King Edition
When Iowa congressman and Secret Border Control Agent Steve King (R) was confronted by activists...
Artist – David Fitzsimmons In other news, former White House press secretary James Brady died...
GOP Rep: Democrats are The Real Racists
Now that Congress is officially on recess, The Unhinged are free to say all of those things they...
Minuteman Co-Founder: It’s Okay to Call for Gasing Immigrant Children
Jim Gilchrist, the co-founder of the Minuteman Project who is planning to revive the group and...
Artist – Pat Bagley In other news, Texas state Rep. Dennis Bonnen (R) says the real problem...