Kentucky senator and libertarian boy-wonder Rand Paul says he will block confirmation of Janet...
Category - Rand Paul
The Product Of Sen. Rand Paul’s Freedom Loins
William Paul, 20 year-old son of Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, son of one Ronald Earnest Paul–...
In Which I Explain the Debt Ceiling and Financial Apocalypse to Rand Paul and Sarah Palin
My Wednesday column: The Republican misinformation geyser continues to erupt unabated. Today...
Manifest Density
So, this week, Kentucky Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul were caught in an open mic...
Something Something Benghazi
You knew someone, at some point, would somehow tie Benghazi to the government shutdown. ...
Tea Party Logic: Obamacare is a ‘Failed’ Law (But it Hasn’t Been Implemented Yet)
My Monday column: Last week on Fox & Friends, Steve Doocy, speaking in an incredulous, leading...
Rand Paul Demands We Turn Those Machines Back On!
In an interview on Face The Nation today, Senator Rand Paul told Bob Schieffer that he is a crazy...
The Lunatic Base Loves a Good Show
It only took one 21 hour time-wasting speech filled with references to Dr. Seuss, Whitecastle, and...
Still Standing With Rand?
Do you stand with Rand? The Stand With Rand PAC does, but not the Rand we had in mind. Supposedly...
That’s Unconstitutional, Except For Me
Rand Paul wants to make it unconstitutional for the federal government to provide subsidized...
Rand Paul and Republicans Are Winning Like Charlie Sheen
Speaking at the Liberty Political Action Conference event this past Thursday, an event sponsored by...
The State of the Rand Speech
Here’s Colbert on Rand Paul #1, Rand Paul #2, Rand Paul #3, and Rand Paul #4. Continue...
President Obama To Remind America That Chemical Warfare Is Bad
Because someone has to remind America that chemical warfare is a bad thing by any standard of...
How Drudge, Assange, Greenwald and the Pauls Are Unifying Under a Libertarian Banner
My Wednesday column that feels like a Tuesday column because of the three-day weekend: Tuesday...
Rand Paul Stands With Assad Regime
This is almost just too hilarious for words: WASHINGTON – Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on...
Still Standing With Rand?
According to Rand Paul, Speaker Boehner must put his foot down and prevent comprehensive...
Still Standing With Rand?
Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) along with a Coalition of the Willing will attend the “Exempt...
Still Standing With Rand?
Senator Rand Paul says the obligation of society to care for its less-well-off population is a form...
American Born Terrorist, Or Political Martyr?
Adam Gadahn, a California-born convert to taking up arms against America, who now goes by the...
Meeting Rand Paul And The Klan At The Burning Crossroads
Gawker posted the work of photojournalist Anthony S. Karen this past week, with this one being the...