Jamison Foser: CNN conducted a poll just a little more than a week ago that found 60 percent...
Category - Republican Party
The Last Straw
President Obama: "Look, once a decision was made by the Republican leadership to have a party-line...
Pollgasm: Everyone Hates The Republicans
Even in the South -- albeit by a narrow margin, but still. Republicans (South) Favorable - 45...
Vindicating Steele
Congress has passed the bill, but in the last 48 hours, the Zero Cred Republicans yanked a few more...
I Mean, Really
Who votes against protecting old people from being abused and beaten? 25 House Republicans. That's...
'I'm tellin' y'all it's sabotage'
Sullivan on the Gregg stunt: Their clear and open intent is to do all they can, however they can...
Step Away from The Comedy
This AFSCME video story involving Eric Cantor's spokesman is a great example of how some...
Obama Is Disrupting Their Tennis
This is too funny to describe, other than to repeat: President Obama is driving the wingnuts into...
Very Serious Republicans
Not only are they taking their cues from Rush Limbaugh, but Minority Leader Boehner and Senator...
Violently Ridiculous
Just recapping the insanity... Republicans are griping about fear-mongering, even though we had...
The Republicans don't seem to mind it when Joe the Plumber doesn't pay his taxes.
Take Them Seriously, Dammit!
I mean, the Republicans are very serious people who should be taken very seriously! When GOP...
Republicans Agree: More Position Flexible
New Rasmussen poll of Republican voters: The numbers: 55% of Republicans say the party should be...
I'm Thrilled With Steele So Far
by Lee Stranahan The Steele nomination was another small step forward for America and it could...
One More Thought On The Fable
by Lee Stranahan Someone feel free to talk me down on this one... What keeps that Scorpion/ Frog...
On Guard!
by Lee Stranahan One of the things I love about being able to talk politics in a group blog is the...
A Fable for Lee
With all due respect to my friend and colleague Mr. Stranahan, I present the following fable ...
Republican Change
by Lee Stranahan Here's what is obvious - the Republicans have had their hand forced by outside...
What Will Change?
The election of Michael Steele as chairman of the RNC is certainly a step in the right direction...
My Final Thought On Steele
by Lee Stranahan If you feel cynical about this, please consider these words...emphasis added...