Why am I seeing Reverend Wright on MSNBC right now? None of this is new and all of it has been...
Category - Senator Barack Obama
Senator Obama with Chris Matthews
(h/t Paddy)
In All Fairness…
...this was really goddamn stupid. Obama foreign policy advisor Susan Rice today: “Clinton hasn’t...
President Clinton's Law Of Politics
Is It January 2009 Yet?
President Bush on Senator Obama's plan to use, you know, diplomacy: It will send a discouraging...
The Debate
Okay, so just as we've witnessed this past decade, "fairness" doesn't mean attacking "both sides"...
Snarky Stumping! Fuck Yeah!
Two word question for Senator Clinton and her supporters: Feel better?
Are Teachers Engaged In A Whisper Campaign?
This item from Paddy made me spit out my coffee: Our 10-year-old sister, Amani, is in the fifth...
Wingnut of the Week
Congressman Jack Kingston (R-GA) on last night's Real Time with Bill Maher: REP. KINGSTON: Through...
Non-Reality Based Pentagon
Remember the story Senator Obama told about the soldier in Afghanistan who had to scavenge...
Frigging Idiot
With friends like these who needs swift boaters. For the record, here's an overview of Senator...
Michael Chabon believes that fear is preventing certain Democrats from backing Senator Obama. The...
Awesome Awesome
Wow. Will.i.am blogs about Yes We Can here. His post is almost as inspiring as the song. On second...
"Obama Can't Beat The Repukes"
That's an unfounded viewpoint which came up quite a few times in response to my latest Huffington...
Weber Goes With Obama
Steven Weber: And, being a sentimental bastard myself, haplessly emotional and easily made to weep...
Ending The Hubris
Wow that's a boring headline. But Senator Obama said it better last night: I will offer a clear...
Si Se Puede
Maybe the polls are all screwy like usual, but a net 16 point gain in 11 days? National Gallup Poll...
Roy Sekoff On Senator Clinton's Florida Win*
Huffington Post Founding Editor Roy Sekoff spells out the precise reason for Senator Clinton's...
Markos On The National Obama Ad
In my new Huffington item, I rip the Clintons for campaigning in Florida and, naturally, the pro...
JFK's American University Speech
This is one of my favorite speeches of all time. (Listen to the whole speech here) Senator Obama's...