G. Gordon Liddy on Judge Sotomayor: Let’s hope that the key conferences aren’t when she’s...
Category - Supreme Court
Mine, Too
Barnicle's head is going to explode unless guys like Scarborough and Buchanan put Judge Sotomayor's...
Go Tom Tancredo!
Eric Boehlert and Rick Sanchez entirely debunk and embarrass Tom Tancredo. Keep going, Republicans...
Krikorian Digs Deeper
Remember the NRO wingnut who wrote yesterday about how we should pronounce "Sotomayor" however the...
Oh, Dennis Miller.
Why did you let the terrorists steal your funny? This is so unfunny and really damn awful. A...
Super Stupid
Hang on tight. This is quite possibly the dumbest attack against anyone ever. Conservative...
They're Getting Crazier By The Second
Wingnut Mark Krikorian for example: Deferring to people’s own pronunciation of their names should...
Worst Person in the World
The Weekly Standard's Michael Goldfarb. For this: "Obama seems to have the views of a 21-year-old...
Yeah, this is about right: Apparently the only way to avoid "identity politics" to pick white men...
The Genius Ed Schultz
Why would Ed Schultz invite Tom Tancredo onto his show -- a known anti-immigration wingnut, and a...
Karl Rove: "I’m not really certain how intellectually strong she would be, she has not been very...
'And The Sun Sets in the West'
You may have heard this lie from the far-right already. Basically, they're claiming that 80 percent...
That's Rich.
Here's an hilarious thing. The Republicans -- the party of George W. Bush and Sarah Palin -- are...
Let The Race-Baiting Begin!
Douchey Romulan Charles Krauthammer lets fly: Charles Krauthammer is already snarling on Fox News...
Sotomayor's Introductory Remarks
Sotomayor's Introduction
Judge Sotomayor's remarks were extraordinarily touching. I'll post the video shortly. But Jonathan...
Attacking Sotomayor with the Hillary Arsenal
So the Republicans will no doubt attack Sotomayor as a far-left activist judge who looooooves...
Sonia Sotomayor
MSNBC is reporting that Sonia Sotomayor is apparently the president's nominee for the Supreme Court...
The Confirmation Hearings
Chez Pazienza imagines some of the questions from Republicans on the Judiciary Committee during the...
Red State Reacts to Souter
Wow. Wingnuts are classy.