Evildoers! The Muslim rumors were true! Run for your lives! Via Jamie: Tuesday, Reps. Peter King (R...
Category - Terrorism
One Nation Under Fear
Terrorism! IEEEEEEEEEE! There were just 25 U.S. noncombatant fatalities from terrorism worldwide...
Piss Off, Wingnuts
The "ground zero mosque" story is pretty much a thing of the past at this point, but it's worth...
Body Scammers
Who could have predicted? Despite past statements by federal agencies such as the TSA that images...
‘Night, Court
by Can anybody tell me why, when it comes to accused terrorists, military tribunals are preferable...
Giuliani Is A Know-Nothing Hack
Tapper's question yesterday: Can you point to any time when a U.S. citizen was interrogated as an...
The Terrorists Win Again
From Jake Tapper on Twitter: Breaking; AG Holder tells ABC News he will ask Congress to modify...
Another Reason Why the Body Scanners Suck
Screeners tested a body scanner on themselves, and, of course, all of the co-workers were able to...
Clinton, Pelosi Support Lieberman Bill
What the hell is going on? Several major Democratic officials spoke positively about the proposal...
Super Stupid
What's wrong with the following story? Sources tell CBS News that would-be Times Square bomber...
Lieberman's Anti-Citizen Bill is For Real
Greg Sargent: First, it isn't just some paranoid liberal nightmare. It's actually moving forward...
Worst Person
Let's face it, Joe Lieberman owns this series of Olbermann-style Worst Person posts. And he keeps...
The Universe Is About to Implode
I mentioned this earlier, but here's Glenn Beck today: “[Shahzad] has all the rights under the...
I'm A Mac. And I'm A Suspected Terrorist.
When I first caught the photo of the suspected Times Square car bomber, I thought something had...
Man With Gun Arrested Near Air Force One
Oh good gravy. ASHEVILLE, N.C. - Police say an Ohio man has been charged after authorities spotted...
They. Don't. Bargain.
Greg Sargent: If press reports are to be believed, the White House is hoping that if it decides to...
Vigilante Academy 4: Wingnuts on Patrol
I can't imagine anything going horribly awry with this.
New Walletpop Column
Invasions of the Body Scanners Tweet and Digg often!
No Sir. I Don't Like It.
The invasion of the body scanners is coming. (ZING!) What I didn't know until just seconds ago was...
Wingnut: Eight Years Of Not Being Attacked
I don't know who this wingnut talker is, and I don't care. But the effort to, as Oliver says...