This has to be one of my favorite Daily Show segments of all time. Of course it's because they...
Category - Terrorism
Erickson: Only Muslims Can Be Terrorists
I need to set up an app on my computer that warns me before I click over to RedState. I need a...
One Nation Under Fear
Via John Cole, here's Maureen Dowd today: He’s so sure of himself and his actions that he fails to...
Reality Check on the Body Scanners
The body scanners aren't on the way. They're here. Installed back in 2008. There are about 40 full...
Terrorism by the Year
In an effort to further illustrate the increased number of terrorism attacks under the Bush...
Maddow Takes Down Rudy Giuliani's Lies
Rachel Maddow touches upon the No Attacks Mythology as she rips apart Rudy Giuliani's fantasies...
Rudy Giuliani Denies Anthrax Attacks
Apparently Rudy was on TV today suggesting that the Anthrax attacks weren't terrorism because they...
Terrorist Attacks and Presidents
I compiled a pair of graphs to illustrate incidents of terrorism during each of the last three...
Confused Wingnuts and Counting the Attacks
The other night, Rudy Giuliani (deliberately) couldn't properly calculate dates and timelines...
Disgusting David Broder
This is insane beyond words: Was Christmas Day 2009 the same kind of wake-up call for Barack Obama...
Presidential Contrasts
A real man -- a real leader admits when he's made mistakes. President Obama has done precisely...
The 'No Attacks Mythology' is Back
Chris Matthews debunks the myth to Todd Harris: Matthews suggested one answer, which Harris latched...
Super Stupid
First of all, why the hell is Peter King all over television? Has he rented the books/library...
Heckuva Job, Bushies
I'm watching Rachel Maddow as she runs through clips of various wingnuts like Peter King and Jim...
Conspiracy and the Underpants Bomber
Last night, Keith, Richard Wolffe and Arianna Huffington discussed the possibility that the failure...
Hardball Win
Matthews went after Jonathan Martin from the Politico about their flagrant Cheney PR operation:...
Uh-huh. This Is Really Safe.
I grabbed this from Drudge: This is what happens with increased security measures at the airport. I...
Why Does George H.W. Bush Hate America?
It turns out that the first Bush administration wanted to prosecute the Lockerbie terrorists in the...
Attention Wingnuts: New Ultra-safe Airline Idea
An industrious wingnut should invest in a new airline. Call it AIRTIGHT SECURITY AIRLINES: Fly the...
Cowards Discuss Profiling Black Males
Brian Kilmeade agrees with General McInerney that we should be profiling "20-30 Islamic males."...