Nate Silver takes another reality-based look at airborne terrorism: Nate also determines that the...
Category - Terrorism
Mike Allen Redeems Himself For Now
Mike Allen takes a break from RT-ing Cheney press releases and rightfully debunks this ridiculous...
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
I can't imagine what could possibly go wrong with government officials profiling and strip...
McInerney Wants to Strip Search Muslims (Blacks)
Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney U.S. Air Force (Retired) thinks that we should strip search all 18-28...
Underpants Bomber and 9/11
Cheney PR man Mike Allen tries and fails to be fair: PUNDIT PREP 2 – The GOP is blaming Obama for...
'Shirt Off' Chertoff
Benen discovered a fascinating pair of stories in the Washington Post today about former DHS...
Polling Torture
Ben Smith reports: Polling torture depends, like so many policy polls, on how the question is...
More Republican Terrorism Hypocrisy
Back in July of 2007, Congress passed a bill called the Improving America's Security Act of 2007...
Go Eric Massa!
This is really great. Congressman Eric Massa (D-NY) goes after Dick Cheney.
Lack of Insurance Deadlier Than Terrorism
Blue Texan brings us the graph of the week: Remember this when the TSA is taking weird all-nude...
Full Body Scans
These body scan machines they're considering for airport security are just remarkably awful. When...
Bush Didn't Say A Goddamn Thing
The Bush administration, while workers were still digging through the rubble at ground zero, waited...
Who Will Blame Jim DeMint?
Erroll Southers, a former FBI man and law enforcement official, was the president's choice to run...
Very Serious Question
If we had to remove our shoes after the (failed) Shoe Bomber attack, and we had to start chucking...
They Hate Us for Our Freedom
Freeeeeeeedom! In the wake of the terrorism attempt Friday on a Northwest Airlines flight, federal...
Attempted Terrorist Attack
Apparently a Nigerian man connected to al-Qaeda tried to blow up an airplane as it landed in...
Bonus Quote of the Day
"I believe they ought to be tried in courts here in the United States." —George W. Bush on...
I Don't Get It
I'm trying to figure out the rationale behind re-airing the uninterrupted TV news coverage of the...
The Nexus of Politics and Terror
In his new book, Tom Ridge admits to inciting fear at the request of the Bush 2004 campaign. Ridge...
Right Wing Terrorists
‘Operation Rescue’ founder warns of ‘violent convulsions’ if health bill doesn’t ban abortions...