Will Bunch reports: Indeed, one former senior Air Force interrogator from the Iraq war, who has...
Category - Terrorism
Guilt Tripping Bin Laden's Death
Oliver Willis calls out some of the whining about the celebratory reaction to the killing of Bin...
The Republican Contribution: Torture
Andrew Sullivan: Leave aside the horrifying fact that Republicans, seeking to score some ownership...
Super Stupid
These people are probably the Super Stupids of the Year. I don't see anyone topping these doofs...
The Torture Fallacy
On Morning Joe this morning, Joe and others were ballyhooing the use of waterboarding on Khalid...
President Obama's Accomplishments
Andrew Sullivan: Obama avoided a plunge into the second Great Depression. He saved the auto...
Liberal Democrats: Strong on National Security
Last night's "Rewrite" by Lawrence O'Donnell was a keeper. The Republicans have been running around...
The Sit Room, Continued…
Another White House photograph of Team Obama in the Situation Room during the raid that killed...
The Sit Room
Team Obama watching and orchestrating the events in Abbottabad. Can you imagine being these people...
Flashback: 'I Don't Spend Much Time on Him'
Republican leadership on capturing Osama Bin Laden:
Quote of the Year (So Far)
"Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted...
Live Tweeting from Abbottabad
A man named Sohaib Athar was live-tweeting the military events in Abbottabad without knowing what...
What to Expect from Wingnuttia Today
Fox News and AM Talk Radio hosts will probably hit the following memes today. 1) The "Deather"...
Early Entry for Photograph of the Year
From the New York Times:Beyond the cathartic emotion, it looks more like a painting than a photo.
Breaking: Bin Laden Dead, U.S. Has Body
This is just happening as I type this. No confirmation yet. President to speak any second now...
Just Words
President Obama on the military trial of Khalid Sheik Mohammed: "I remain convinced we could have...
Vindication for NPR
Ron Schiller from NPR was right about xenophobic tea party Republicans. In particular, Pew finds...
Non-Muslims Responsible for More Terrorism
ThinkProgress reports that, despite Pete King's Islamophobia, non-Muslim terrorism is a bigger...
Progress on the Naked Body Scanners
This is better. The US Transportation Security Administration began rolling out new airport scanner...
Blame, Censorship and Personal Responsibility
My lack of comment with regards to the shootings over the weekend was partly the result of an...