Brian Kilmeade: Other species and ethnics, he says.
Category - The Media
MSNBC is seriously preempting Rachel Maddow tonight for the "countdown" to the Michael Jackson...
Morning Meeting
About the Dylan Ratigan unit -- the show title "Morning Meeting" is terrible. Do viewers really...
Spazzy White Guys Take Over
I've been watching Dylan Ratigan's show sporadically and it occurred to me that the spazzy white...
Nico Pitney Nails Milbank on CNN
Go Nico Pitney! Later, Milbank called Nico a dick. According to Nico: The only thing that surprised...
Very Serious
Here's MSNBC's Kindly Old Grampy character telling viewers that the climate crisis is a hoax...
Worst Person
Mike Savage is a colossal douchebag.
'An Ethical Firestorm!'
Crap your pants! Let there be no doubt that Matt Drudge is the world's biggest douchebag. His...
Very Serious
Huge round of applause for the cable news people who absolutely NAILED the Iran coverage over the...
Very Serious Question
When will Rachel Maddow or Keith Olbermann be invited onto Meet the Press?
Super Stupid
Here's Glenn Beck and Jonah Goldberg in the same airspace talking about how Von Brunn is a product...
Letterman Bad, Buchanan Good
MSNBC cracks me up. They're dedicating an entire segment every hour to expressing outrage over...
A Moment for the Cartoons
It looks like the two funniest, most creative shows on Cartoon Network are going away. C.H...
Taking A Piss
I caught this gigantic hunk of bullshit on television today. Try not to swallow your tongue when...
The Gingrich Script
Newt Gingrich is on Face the Nation this morning. For some reason. Gingrich doesn't hold any...
Breaking News!
This should be fun: The U.S. Army confirms that Stephen Colbert, host of Comedy Central’s “The...
Stretch's Slow Murder of Meet the Press
The other Sunday shows are catching up. I guess Stretch's penchant for stupid cable-newsish...
Around the World with Liz Cheney
Liz Cheney on television since May 12: • On the June 4 edition of CNN's The Situation Room (5 p.m...
Screw the Facts, She's Awesome!
MSNBC admits to basically allowing anyone on television who happens to be "a great guest." Liz...
Dick Cheney Is What?!
I've been a little guarded about declaring any sort of broad, long-term Democratic victory since...