The red bars on the graph precisely coincide with my blood pressure levels. Incidentally, about an...
Category - The Media
Super Stupid
ABC News demonstrates their obviously liberal in-the-tank support for the president by comparing...
Chris Matthews on President Obama tonight: Lawrence, why does he need a teleprompter to do a good...
Newspapers and the Tubes
What do we know about newspapers and the internets? We know that print newspapers are dying. We...
Glass Houses
It never ceases to confound the laws of reality how the spazzy white guys in lower Manhattan who...
I think MSNBC just compared President and Mrs. Obama's visit with second graders yesterday to My...
Super Stupid
President Obama isn't a smart-ass Jerky the Jokeman like the previous guy. But that hasn't stopped...
The Lost Bill Hicks Appearance
Last week, Letterman finally aired the previously cut Bill Hicks standup appearance from 1993...
Just When I Started to Respect Zakaria Again…
We get this.The war in Afghanistan started on October 7. 2001. Just over seven years ago.
After Rachel
Dan Rather is a terrible idea for MSNBC at 10 p.m., and I also don't understand a few of the names...
The Experiment
This week, as the Republicans have enjoyed nearly double the cable news airtime as the Democrats...
Your Liberal Media
Think Progress: Notice that MSNBC had fewer Democratic guests (as a percentage of total guests)...
The Politics of MSNBC
Lesley Stahl interviewing Rachel Maddow: LESLEY: Everybody they hire to anchor their shows is...
WMD All Over Again
No excuse. None. ThinkProgress has found that since the AP’s report last Tuesday, the CBO report...
On Meet the Press just now, Stretch asked Larry Summers about that crazy CBO report. The report...
They Do What?!
I really hope she meant to say "fist bump."
Mourning Joe
by Lee Stranahan I'm never really awake to watch MSNBC's Morning Joe...and wow, I'm missing. Joe...
Worst Person
Rush Limbaugh: "We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab...
Posted by JumpyPants What will Sean Hannity do as his audience dies off? Don't worry: he's already...
You could start reading the list of potentially catastrophic problems facing America and still be...