And the racism continues... LIMBAUGH: It’s — you know, it’s just — it’s just we can’t hit the girl...
Category - The Media
Worst Person In The World
Rush Limbaugh. I think it really goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say...
The Rachel Maddow Show!
This made me smile. Just in time for the closing rush of the presidential election, MSNBC is...
For The Sake of Balance
When is CNN sponsoring a candidate forum hosted by Thom Hartmann at, say, the Center for American...
Worst Person In The World
On CNN just now I heard Chris Cillizza say that Senator Obama was "too thoughtful for the the...
The Real McCain
Frank Rich: So why isn’t Obama romping? The obvious answer — and both the excessively genteel Obama...
Very Serious
CNN promo for an upcoming story: "The Changing Face... of Blackface." Give me something to break.
Too. Much. Barbecue.
I was going to take a break from ripping the media on the Huffington Post this week. But after...
Here's A Stupid Question
Why wasn't Cliff Schecter invited on Larry King to promote The Real McCain?
The Barbecue Media
I've received a few e-mails asking what "barbecue media" means. First, this: It's a concise, snarky...
By way of a follow-up to yesterday's Hawaii post, Digby reports: Cokie Roberts said today that...
Random Observation
CNN anchor Tony Harris is too cheerful, bordering on Eddie-Haskel-smarmy.
He's Very Serious Mark Halperin…
...And so he can write whatever douchey scribble he wants and yet he'll always be taken very...
Great Wall of Duh
PBS's Bonnie Erbe tried to tear down the wall, but failed: ERBE: The American public have told...
Great Wall of Duh
A fun example here. Notice we have another appearance by Brett Baier -- FNC's baby capuchin monkey.
Morning Joe
No Morning Joe for two whole weeks. How will Pat Buchanan survive without his daily "Obama is...
Barbecue Tastes Gooooood
Actual CNN headline: "Obama squeaks by McCain in polls" The race between Sens. John McCain and...
Thank you, MSNBC
Whoever replaced Joe Scarborough with women's soccer made me smile. That smile turned to anger, of...
I Called It
On Stretch's 'Road to the White House' with Stretch, Eugene Robinson, Rachel, Buchanan and John...
Thank you, sir. A very serious Washington insider gets it right. When will the rest of the barbecue...