The first celebrity comment troll. Like all attention-starved fucking assholes in America, the...
Category - The Media
So Long, Suckers!
Neocon failures Krauthammer and Kristol have been ousted from TIME. Nicole at C&L: It may be...
Roy Sekoff on Hannity & Colmes
Huffington Post's founding editor Roy Sekoff appeared on Hannity & Colmes last night and ended...
Gleek Cock — I mean, Glenn Beck
"Glenn Beck" is such an unfortunate name. I go around all the time accidentally saying Glick Fuck...
Go To Crooks & Liars Now
It's one of those days at C&L when you start to watch videos -- then suddenly it's five hours...
Tom Brokaw's 1968 on the History Channel was not good. Hey guess what? There was the war in...
Anderson Cooper Eats Mexican
I had lunch today at a Mexican restaurant called Hell's Kitchen on 9th Ave near 46th Street today...
You Know What's Awesome?
MSNBC's David Shuster over-pronouncing the word: "Tuuuurdblossom." That's what's awesome. I wish I...
More Washington Post Rumormonger Fallout
Horse's Mouth reports two more Washington Post reporters are blasting Perry Bacon's front page...
Leno Not A Dick, Pays Staff
Two days ago, I was really nasty to Jay Leno here. I called him a dick, an unfunny douche, and I...
The Post Responds To Freaky Bloggers
The Washington Post is slowly wheeling out their responses to various rips on their integrity for...
You Know Who's A Dick? Jay Leno Is A Dick.
Leno fired his entire staff today. I suppose the unfunny douche needs all of his money for his...
That Darned Liberal Media!
CBS is running with the Washington Post story about the Senator Obama rumors. Horse's Mouth has...
Washington Post's Whisper Campaign
This is an atrocity from your "liberal media": Despite his denials, rumors and e-mails circulating...
HA-HA! Funny! Bam!
There's a real life Save Tucker website (via TRex). In it, they regard this disingenuous twerp as a...
Patty-Headed Hos
Pat Buchanan's new book: The American majority is not reproducing itself. Its birthrate has been...
Fucking Clean Coal
The CNN YouTube debate tonight is sponsored by Clean Coal (more at Think Progress). I wonder if...
The YouTube Debate Tonight
I hope CNN picks some really crazy videos with ordinary Americans dressed in funny beards and...
Awwww. What A Shame.
You mean -- no-one likes Tucker? Rumors have been flying recently that Tucker Carlson could soon be...
Driving Under The Influence Of Being Latino
Maybe I'm missing something. Ingram is hosting The Falafel Factor tonight and she's interviewing...