The fun he would've had with the current group in Washington.
Category - The Media
Mainstream media spots Nazis, too
Earlier this month, we published a "quiz" called "Who Said That?!" in which we compared a statement...
Markos vs. Armstrong: the bottom line
Can you see it? The way the right is deflecting allegations of propaganda against the White House...
Borat nearly causes stampede at rodeo
This is a beautiful thing. Sacha Baron Cohen -- Ali G -- duped an entire red state crowd at a rodeo...
Palast: Meet the CBS independent panel
Greg Palast notes today that the CBS independent review panel was a stacked deck. Who was the two...
Horkulated graphic: Bush and CBS
Agitprop graphic by
The Oath of Honesty in Journalism
The American Prospect has written an oath for all right-wing propapundits: I swear that I have...
Hunt on Meet the Press: 'Other people'
Al Hunt from Bloomberg on yesterday's "Meet the Press", regarding more propaganda from the White...
CBS fires four. FNC still yellow.
CBS News fired four senior news executives as the result of the September 8, 2004 Bush National...
Staples pulls advertising on Sinclair net
Breaking news from Broadcasting and Cable: Office supply store chain Staples is pulling its...
CBS News kisses Bush’s ass
If you've ever had any doubt that the news media is really just a bunch of whores, Broadcasting and...
Neocon flashback: Irvine's 'Wag the Dog'
One of the founders of the neocon movement, Reed Irvine, died last month. Those of you who have...
When in Rome…Don’t Rock the Vote
Viacom International (parent company of CBS, Paramount Pictures, and MTV Networks) is currently...
Please don't go, Bill Moyers
I'm going out telling the story that I think is the biggest story of our time: how the right-wing...
Enough, already!
Google News search results: Pistons Pacers brawl: 14,100 9/11 intelligence bill: 3,670 Guantanamo...
Public radio reporter forced to resign
After receiving a gay-bashing spam e-mail from an ultra right organization, Rachel Buchman, a...
Networks controlled by White House
What happens when a large, well respected Christian group creates an advertisement promoting...
Publius, meet Leviticus
The second half of Meet the Press was atrocious today. The topic: separation of church & state...