And the global conspiracy to install Trump in White House will be unveiled.
Category - Trump Regime
“A war room? You serious?”
Trump regime sources say they have no plan for dealing with subpoenas from House Democrats.
Your Next UN Ambassador is a Former Fox News Host
Trump is nominating Heather Nauert to replace Nikki Haley.
“I won’t be here”
Trump bluntly told officials he doesn't care about the national debt.
Kudlow Claims Trump Will End Subsidies for Electric Cars, Renewable Energy
The good news is Trump can't do that.
“You have to wonder why Washington even bothered”
The Secretary of Agriculture himself has no idea how Trump's bailout is suppose to work.
Report: Trump Privately Blames Mnuchin For Bad Stocks, And Everything Else
Trump blames Mnuchin for not making things as bad as Trump wants them to be.
Why Trump Won’t Visit Troops Overseas
The truth may be worse than what you're thinking.
Reports: Trump to Replace John Kelly, Wilbur Ross
John Kelly's time might finally be up and Wilbur Ross might be scapegoated.
Report: DHS Secretary is Next to Go
Trump told his staff that he wants Kirstjen Nielsen gone.
Ryan Zinke is On His Way Out
Zinke is looking to depart before House Democrats get a hold of him.
Operation Political Stunt
Trump's border operation was quietly renamed yesterday.
Jeff Sessions is Out as Attorney General
Matthew Whitaker will be the acting AG until Trump nominates a replacement.
Report: Pentagon Assessment Found The Migrant Caravan Isn’t a Threat
The Trump regime knows it's not a threat even if they say differently in public.
Trump’s Border Stunts Could Cost More Than $200 Million By January
And they could cost over $300 million more beyond that.
Why Zinke Was Referred For Criminal Investigation
Sources in the White House have been running their mouths.
Zinke Referred for Possible Criminal Investigation
Is this why Zinke suddenly tried to replace the inspector general?
Dozens of Countries Seek Litigation Against The US At The WTO
If Trump were ever serious about withdrawing from the WTO, this could be how it starts.
Trump Says He’ll Tell All Federal Agencies to Cut Spending
Because the tax cut didn't pay for itself.
Here We Go Again
The Trump regime is resurrecting a fake scandal about fetal tissue research.