Some of them apparently don't even have college degrees.
Category - Trump Regime
Report: Investigation of FEMA Director Referred to Prosecutors
Brock Long is also now under investigation by Congress.
FEMA Director Brock Long is a Way Bigger Piece of Shit Than Anyone Knew
Long is under investigation for more than just using government vehicles.
The Director of FEMA is Under Investigation
Long has spent so many hours on the road he has missed work.
Trump is Straight Up Cutting Wages Now
Trump is canceling a pay raise for federal employees scheduled to take effect in January.
Report: Trump Created a Secret Committee to Hype Reefer Madness
Over a dozen agencies have been told to share misleading information about pot.
Paul Manafort Has Been Found Guilty
Manafort has been found guilty on 8 counts with other counts left unsettled.
Report: Michael Cohen Expected to Plead Guilty [Updated]
A plea deal could be announced very soon. [UPDATED]
Trump’s Dear Leader Parade Will Cost Far More Than Advertised
The parade will cost closer to $100 million rather than $12 million.
Report: Trump May Be Paying Off Former Staffers
It appears he's buying their silence.
Report: American and Chinese Trade Officials Aren’t Speaking
Mnuchin says they might resume talks, but they were never really talking.
Trump Pardons a Pair of Federal Land Arsonists
The ranchers' conviction led to the armed standoff in Oregon.
Trump Had His Staff Draft a Bill to Withdraw From The WTO
And it's dead on arrival.
Report: Trump Privately Tells Advisers He Wants to Withdraw From the WTO
Texas is reportedly "unmoved" by advisers who've pushed back.
Larry Kudlow is a Ridiculous Person [Updated]
Is Larry Kudlow just a really bad liar, or is he straight up delusional? [Updated]
Fill The Swamp
Trump's IRS nominee owns Trump-brand property.
Giuliani: I Was Hired To Say Some Bullshit
"That's what I'm suppose to do."
Paul Manafort is Headed to Jail
Manafort is headed to jail after being accused of witness tampering,
Report: FEMA Failed in Puerto Rico Before Hurricane Maria Hit
FEMA officials appear to have lied about their level of preparedness.
Ben Carson Wants to Evict a Lot of Poor People
So they can find work?