While the very serious old media love affair with their designated "serious, sane Republican" Paul...
Category - Uncategorized
BP Might Try Again
This is an outrage: NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (AFP) – BP has shrugged off a potential public relations...
A Victory for Lying in Missouri
Missouri voters succumb to lies about the health insurance mandate. Missouri overwhelmingly...
Summer Fundraiser – Day One!
It's that time of year again when we roll out the jolly, candy-like PayPal button and solicit your...
The Ed Show
I'll be on The Ed Show on MSNBC sometime around 6:30 EDT to talk about how the Republicans are...
Glenn Becks Warns America About Glenn Beck
Media Matters discovered one of Beck's Fox News promos hyping, at the time, his new show. In the...
The Obama Stress Head
The (Very Serious) Weekly Standard is marketing a rubber head likeness of President Obama designed...
Random Thoughts (for those who can’t be f*cked to sign in to Twitter®) #4
Random Thoughts (for those who can’t be f*cked to sign in to Twitter) # 3
Quote of the Day
"Where I was wrong: my belief that oil companies were ready for the worst case scenario." President...
Random Thoughts (for those who can’t be f*cked to sign onto Twitter®)
by "Wait! Ever notice that the color of the oil destroying the Gulf coast, wildlife and livelihoods...
What New Brand of Nonsense Is This?
The tea party keeps getting weirder. Now they want to repeal the 17th Amendment which would allow...
Republicans: The Damned Truth and The Truth Be Damned
by Oh boy. It's like trying to fix a stubborn cowlick while wearing boxing gloves. Republicans just...
John Boehner is a Dumb Stupid
When I saw this quote on Maddow last night, I nearly lost my shpadoinkle: Obama's decision...
Morning Joe At Its Worst
This video could be one of the most infuriating segments on Morning Joe ever. Joe's rant at the top...
Anthony Weiner: Hero of the Day
Badass. Just badass. And the Republicans are a pack of pee-pants babies.
Back From New York
Well, that was fun. The first official meeting of EXCOMM 2. Did someone crash a plane into an IRS...
This Will Probably Be Filibustered
Senators Harkin and Shaheen introduced filibuster reform legislation today. Benen describes the...
The Democrats are Almost Entirely Shut Down
Except for a few. Brian Beutler reports: Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) is engaged with House...
Body Scanners Can Save and Send Images
And this awful invasion of basic human privacy and dignity gets even worse: Washington (CNN) -- A...