This Week was more than happy to air Liz Cheney's new fear-mongering commercial: SCARY! AAAAAAAH...
Category - Uncategorized
By Grabthar's Hammer, What A Savings
Professor Krugman found an excellent little online tool for those of you who are buying insurance...
White House Christmas Trees
My annual White House tree post, now updated with the official Obama Tree portrait. Tree portraits...
I Have Given a Name to Our Pain
And it is "Lieberman." Steve Benen: Oh, and Lieberman, who has a long record of supporting Medicare...
Super Stupak
This will hopefully force the Stupak amendment onto the cutting room floor: In a move that will...
Why Did Jesus Have to be Such a Commie?
Posted by Redmond It takes a special brand of nutted wingness to claim The Holy Bible is a tool of...
Wingnut Projectory
Posted by Redmond Matt Osborne just posted a new piece on the Huffington Post that delves deep into...
Bill Frist Supports the Public Option?
Posted by Redmond Former Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist surprisingly announced his support...
‘International Association of Imbeciles’
Posted by Redmond Based on the amount of unadulterated dumb that flies out of Glenn Beck's face...
Sorry I Banged Your Wife. Here’s a Job.
Posted by Redmond The New York Times is reporting that Senator John Ensign (R - NV) used his...
Props to David Brooks, Egad
Posted by JumpyPants When I went to sleep last night dreaming of Max Baucus and Blanche Lincoln...
Stand By for Comment Weirdness
TypePad is continuing to screw with people, so I'm going to try to resolve this using my limited...
Poor Little Shimkus
Congressman Shimkus walked out on the president's address last night. Again, another perfect...
Prime Time Thread
Open thread for your Tuesday night blogotubery. I just heard someone on Ed Schultz suggest that we...
Go… Peggy Noonan?
Via John Cole, here's Peggy Noonan on Sarah Palin: “The elites hate her.” The elites made her. It...
The Republican Quitting Machine
by Lee Stranahan My new piece is up at Huffington Post is up and it's sorta mean, really. Also, for...
Republcan Elitists
by Lee Stranahan This is a meme to work on. Those two words together - Republican and Elitist. Try...
Malkin vs. Meghan McCain
Malkin appears to be choosing which stand-up comics Meghan McCain is allowed to like. Doesn't...
Show Reminder
It's Wednesday, so it must be Agree To Disagree with Bob & Lee. Lee is too upset about the news...
Joe The Marketing Genius
by Lee Stranahan In a little reported appearance at a conservative rally in Milwaukee, Samuel...