The liveblogging is underway here. My back is killing me, so I'm going to especially grumpy tonight.
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Gas Holiday In Hell
This is how much it cost me to fill up my mom's sedan this morning with premium (it's fancy, it...
Baby Drop
Holy crap!
New Huffington Post Item
This week, a Q&A with Cliff Schecter.
General Petraeus mentioned this yesterday: "Every Iraqi is allowed an AK-47 in his house, by law."...
Game Changer
Barack Obama's speech today was such a game changer that he changed the game into something that...
John Adams
I forgot to post my reactions to parts one and two. In a word: stunning. Part two, which centered...
Type, type, type
Sorry for the sporadic blogging, everyone. I'm staring down a looming deadline on the book, One...
Oh, those lucky, lucky black men
Extremely on the mark reader cscs over at TPM Cafe makes the connection between the lucky, lucky...
The 2002 Speech
Tell me this is just another speech, and I'll take my bike and go home. This was delivered in...
Don't Listen To Them
The talking drones on the morning shows today are repeating their most recent mantra which is that...
Rolling Stone
Harold Ickes apparently floated the idea that the pledged delegates can legally switch candidates...
It's 2001-2002 All Over Again
Turning patriotism into a contest was awesome for about two minutes after 9/11. Why the goddamn...
Liveblogging At Huffington Post
I'm doing the liveblogging on Arianna's blogotubes tonight. Join me, why dontcha.
I’m Voting Tomorrow in New York
For Barack Obama. And literally every single Democrat I speak to - from non-political liberals to...
The New Drug
I have it on very good authority that there's a new hybrid form of crack and meth being distributed...
This Week’s First Historic Upset
A couple of days ago, I tied the Giants to the Obama campaign. And I predicted a Giants win. Of...
Bloody Anus Is Still Employed?
Bloody Anus said -- Whoops! I mean "Glenn Beck" said (he has such an unfortunate name) the...
Gore: It's Worse Than Predicted
This is bad. Really bad. Climate change is occurring far more rapidly than even the worst...