Take a bow, Country Bear. The jamboree is over. Fred Thompson quits to spend more time with his...
Category - Uncategorized
Senator Obama Goes After Clinton-Clinton '08
From Drudge (so take it with a grain of salt): EXCLUSIVE: OBAMA RIPS INTO BILL CLINTON MONDAY...
Mitt Winning Michigan
Which means there really isn't a clear frontrunner on the GOP side. Which also means that they'll...
Romney's Twisted America
Mitt Romney (via Sullivan): "Our most basic civil liberty is the right to be kept alive." In other...
This Week's Myerstown Herald
My favorite headlines from this week's all new Myerstown Herald (website or pdf): -Knuckleheads let...
No Country For Old Men
I finally saw it tonight. Goddamn. Alec Baldwin wrote on the Huffington Post that it was a metaphor...
The Myerstown Herald
In my latest thing for the Huffington Post, I mentioned a local weekly newspaper here in eastern...
We're Back
The site was down for a while, but as you can see, we're rolling again. Someone told me that this...
Morning Awesome
"I feel a little lost -- a little strange today."
Morning Awesome
Bill Hicks in Montreal, 1994.
Morning Awesome
"I don't know how a man decides what's right for his own life. It's all a mystery."
Morning Awesome
Pariah dogs and wandering mad men -- barking at strangers and speaking in tongues.
Morning Awesome
Today is Remembrance Day, the commemoration of the Gettysburg Address originally delivered by...
Rudy, Hillary, Mitt, Barack, Cubby, Annette
I'm going to get all crotchety here. One of the reasons why I'm anxious for the primaries to be...
Morning Awesome! Go!
Upwards to the vanguard...
Comcast Gets Screwed For A Change
The FCC is going to do something right for a change. The Federal Communications Commission is...
Let This One Sink In For A Minute
I found this all at once shocking and, strangely, not surprising (Washington Post via Kos): High...
Yo Bushie! CBS says 34 percent!
CBS News poll. And... Yo Cheney! 18 percent!
Assholes Say the Darndest Things
Media Matters has compiled their list of the most outrageous statements of the year (in the media):...
Bush cultists dust off the old, "So did Clinton!"
Drudge and the right-wing blogs are wheeling out their latest ridiculous, weak, and pathetic...