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When Republicans say they're the majority…
...direct them to this new poll from Pew Research. Reps Dems All 40 52 Men 42 48 Women 38 55 18-29...
Scotty Mac tells the truth
Scott McClellan: "There are clear lines of authority and responsibility. ... Ultimately the...
Reports of her humanity have been greatly exaggerated
Barbara Bush is a spiteful, greedy, cruel woman who lacks basic compassion for any human being who...
Katrina Timeline
Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo has posted a timeline of Katrina-related events. It is WELL...
Over 40,000 corpses?
Courtesy of Talking Points Memo comes this grim quote about the number of corpses a volunteer...
E. coli in water.
From CNN: The standing water in New Orleans, left behind after Hurricane Katrina blasted through...
The true face of George W. Bush
cow·ard n. One who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain. [Middle English, from Old...
Go, Howard!
Dr. Dean, head Democrat, tells the truth and shames the devil: "Based on today's reports, it seems...
Can’t lie about this, either, Karl.
Yeah, that's $3.99. Regular's $3.89. How we doin' now, Karl?
FEMA CONTINUES to have no plan.
From the Times-Picayune: Nearly a full week after Hurricane Katrina, a rescue force the size of an...
The Anti-Christians
Pat Robertson announced to millions of 700 Club viewers that he thinks Hugo Chavez, the...
Hi Burst! I confirm that I own this domain and control all content herein.
Future cannon fodder
"Hey, when I'm still President in 7 years, you fellas feel like going over to Iraqanistan to...
One reason why Letterman rules
"It was so hot down in Florida Jeb Bush was rigging ice machines." David Letterman Via Kos.
If they make a recess appointment, then I have to say, it's a finger in the eye of the Senate...
More wisdom from Banana Head (Santorum)
“One of my political heroes, the eighteenth-century British statesman William Wilberforce, argued...
Stop fake news now
Did you know that BushCo uses your tax dollars to manufacture fake news that is actually aired on...
Talk amongst yourselves
Thought we'd try one of those open threads. Don't hurt yourselves.
Bush to Single Mother – “Fantastic!”
This strange story via Atrios. From the Washington Post: Bush's fast-moving manner can make his...