On the subject of voter suppression we have a moment of clarity from the former co-chair of Mitt...
Category - Voter Suppression
“Brick By Brick”
The ground game we're witnessing in this election is unprecedented. A memo from Obama/Biden 2012...
Appeals Court Reinstates Early Voting in Ohio
Good news -- a federal court of appeals has ruled against the state of Ohio and reinstated early...
Pennsylvania Voter ID Law Postponed Until Whenever
This is good news -- for now. The law remains on the books and the "get your ID" information...
Jon Husted Called On His Bluff, Backs Down
Good news -- faced with the prospect of appearing in court to explain himself, Ohio Secretary of...
Obama Campaign Challenging Jon Husted’s Hubris
According to the Obama campaign, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted doesn't actually have the...
Judge Strikes Down Ohio Early Voting Restrictions
More good news -- for the third day in a row, voter suppressionists have suffered another setback...
Another Loss for Voter Suppressionists
More good news on the voting rights front. A three judge panel in Washington D.C. has rejected the...
Federal Judge Strikes Down Florida Voter Registration Restrictions
Good news -- Florida's restrictions on voter registration, which has lead to staggeringly low...
Intentionally Discriminatory
Good news -- a three-judge panel in Texas ruled today that Texas' new redistricting plan was...
Consider The Source
TPM digs into the background of the author of a new report on voter ID being promoted by the...
Because ACORN!
According to Kris Kobach, the grandfather of "Papers Please" anti-immigration law and adviser to...
They Aren’t Hiding It
The Republican Party of Texas has released their official party platform and Ron Paul would be very...
Whoops? Cat Out of the Bag
We all know voter ID laws are aimed at suppressing the vote, but politicians aren't suppose to...
Texas Has a Problem with the Voting Rights Act
The Perry Administration does not like laws that prevent Texas from disenfranchising large swaths...
Wealthy White Man Can’t Vote, Investigation Ensues
There's an Onion story in here somewhere just waiting to be written. via The Tennesseean Former U.S...
Judge Blocks Voter ID Law, Republicans Throw Fit
A Wisconsin circuit court judge issued an injunction yesterday preventing the state from enforcing...
DOJ Challenges Another Discriminatory Voting Law
The Department of Justice is signaling that it may file a challenge to a new Florida law which...
Rampant Voter Fraud!
Well, not really. However, the state of Indiana has uncovered one such case, and it involves the...
Federal Lawsuit Over Wisconsin Poll Taxes
The American Civil Liberties Union filed a federal lawsuit in Wisconsin today challenging the...
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