Even real-life conservatives are beginning to worry about the Fox effect: Over the past couple of...
Category - Wingnuts
Progressive Hunter
It might be a little late to bring this up, but screw it. Since Tucson, I don't think the following...
Supporting the Troops
Here's how Michele Bachmann expresses her support for the troops when they come home from the war:...
Birther of a Nation
The wingnuts are back to race-baiting the immigration issue: Today, yet another constitutional...
Crazy Quote of the Day
"Mr. President, you don't believe in the Constitution. You believe in socialism." Rep. Paul Broun...
Super Stupid
Attention tea partiers. Here's your leader in Congress insisting that the founding fathers...
Worst Persons in the World
Fox Nation for this display of flagrant race-baiting. And caution! The comments are horrendously...
Some Good News for Monday Morning
Oh yes! Let's go! Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann received strong reviews from some top...
Bill Maher, The Tea Party and the Founders
And of course I always go back to the actual Boston Tea Party, which was ultimately a protest...
Glenn Beck Thinks He's MLK. Again.
Glenn Beck has previously equated himself with MLK. Lincoln Memorial speech on the anniversary of...
Gateway Pundit is a Dumbstupid
I'm generally not very shocked by wingnut conspiracy theories anymore. But every once in a while...
Worst Person in the World
Local wingnut talk show host Bob Durgin: In talking about The New York Times, often seen as queen...
Weak Stream
Wingnuts are really, really, really stretching for something to complain about the president's...
Glenn Beck Defends Three-Fifths Clause
How did I miss this? Glenn Beck managed to defend one of the most awful and ridiculous sections of...
Further Proof of a False Equivalence
The new CBS poll: Do you think it is ever justified for citizens to take violent action against the...
Worst Persons in the World
Palmetto State Armory for this: A South Carolina gun and accessories company is selling semi...
Doof Quote of the Day
"This guy appears to be a communist. His beliefs are the liberal of the liberals [sic]. There is no...
Cenk Nails It
Just watch this. And Joe Klein? They seriously pay you a small fortune for this dosh?
Sullivan Debunks the Both Sides Meme
Via John Cole, Sullivan makes a similar point to the one I've been highlighting about the Both...
Numbers Don't Lie
Nate Silver doesn't jump to any assigned blame for Tucson. But in the debate between which "side"...