...and stabbing them in the throat. A city cab driver is in the hospital after being stabbed by a...
Category - Wingnuts
Following The Money
While demagoguing Park51 the other day, Glenn Beck urged everyone to follow the money. I think his...
Fox News Makes It Too Easy
Here's Dan Senor on Fox & Friends discussing the evil-sounding Kingdom Foundation and how it...
Ron Paul Supports Park 51
I wonder how the tea party people who idolize Ron Paul will feel about this: He goes on to argue...
Beck Stokes Muslim Terrorist Rumors
Here's Glenn Beck tweaking the paranoia and fear of his easily-influenced viewers, implying that...
Best Person
Senator Jeff Merkley for this. But, many mosque opponents argue, just because it can be built does...
Whoops! Fox News Investor Funded Park 51
In the above photo, we see Saudi Prince Al-Waleed with Rupert Murdoch. It turns out that the #2...
Worst Person
New York gubernatorial candidate and tea party favorite Carl Paladino for this: Paladino laid out...
They hate us for our freedom anti-constitutional screeching. Islamic radicals are seizing on...
The Screeching, Fire-Eating Mob
This video is disgraceful and makes me ashamed to be an American. Here we see a throng of ignorant...
McConnell Plays the Southern Strategy
Mitch McConnell leaves some wiggle room for the crazy people: "The president says he's a Christian...
In Which I Take the Bait
I realize that Republican memes like this one are intended to bait Democrats. But okay. I'll bite...
Ground Zero is Enormous!
Evidently the hallowed ground reaches across the country. Moreover, groups of Americans have been...
Beck's War on Darwin
Here's Glenn Beck and his morning zoo sidekicks repeating their theory that Charles Darwin is the...
A Dangerous Game
This is a fascinating discussion on Hardball with Mark Halperin about the president and the...
More Awful, Awful Mosque Wingnuttery
Call me an east coast liberal asshole, but who the hell is actually inspired by this shit? By all...
Hallowed Ground
Daryl Lang provides a series of photos of various acceptable trespasses upon the "hallowed ground"...
Glenn Beck's America
After I mentioned Eddie Haskell earlier, I jumped over to YouTube to find some Haskell video. But I...
Go Eugene Robinson
I like it a lot. Lies, distortions, jingoism, xenophobia—another day, another campaign issue that...
The Paradox of Election 2010
John Cole wonders: For the life of me, I can not figure out why anyone would be voting for the GOP...