According to Scalia, rich justices have no place telling the poors how to execute people.
Category - WTF
Idiot Quote of the Day
State Senator John Stevens says the U.S. may be on a slippery slope.
Extraordinary Ignoramus Scott Walker Says Rape Stops Being a Concern After a While
Scott Walker says something idiotic nearly every time he opens his mouth.
Who Would Jesus Creep On? Huckabee Talks Showers With High School Girls
Josh Duggar defender Mike Huckabee also thinks about young girls from time to time.
Beefcake Rand Shoots Liberty From His Eye-Sockets in PAC ad
Beefcake Rand is here to kick ass and chew gum, and he's all out of gum.
Report: Christie Spent Nearly $83,000 on Food at NFL Games
I have no idea how you can spend this much money.
Anti-War Hero Rand Paul Hates Diplomacy, He Swears. Will Sue You for Claiming Otherwise.
The Free Market of Ideas must cease and desist immediately.
Scott Walker’s Budget Cuts Sexual Assault Requirements [Updated]
For some reason, Scott Walker doesn't think schools should be required to report sexual assaults.
Beautiful Rape? WV Delegate Considers the Possible Benefits
As lawmakers in West Virginia debate a 20-week abortion ban, at least one state delegate proclaimed...
That Doesn’t Mean What You Think it Means
Fox News host Lisa Kennedy Montgomery is upset that publicly traded companies may be required to...
Fox News Host on Torture Report: “We Are Awesome”
Fox News host Andrew Tantaros has figured out why the CIA torture report was released today...
Oh Fuck No
via WaPo “I think it would be very helpful if President Obama went and met with [Darren Wilson] or...
Darren Wilson’s Testimony is an Infantilized Fantasy
To say that Officer Darren Wilson's testimony was ridiculous really doesn't do it justice. It would...
Gohmert Shares His Deepest Fantasies About Gays in the Military
The problem with gays in the military, Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) tells us, is that they...
Outreach: Conservative Dating Profile
The conservative Americans for Shared Prosperity group is tired of the Democratic party’s...
What Could Go Wrong?
A former police officer and convicted rapist who tried to rape a women with his pistol has had his...
WaPo Publishes Fascist Screed From LAPD Officer
To say that this headline which appeared at the Washington Post today is not helping would be...
You’ve Got to Be F*cking Kidding Me
One of the teens who was convicted in the infamous Steubenville rape case is back on the goddamn...
Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade just can’t wrap his head around the idea that you can...
Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin is Talking About Legitimate Rape Again
Former congressman Todd Akin (R-MO) continued his comeback tour today by appearing on MSNBC and...
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