Far-right columnist David Horowitz is concerned about the crazy from his side:
I have been watching an interesting phenomenon on the Right, which is beginning to cause me concern. I am referring to the over-the-top hysteria in response to the first months in office of our new president, which distinctly reminds me of the “Bush Is Hitler” crowd on the Left.
Conservative blog Little Green Footballs concurs -- and reports a recent onslaught of crazy mail. There's definitely been a spike in the number of wingnut e-mails I've been getting, too. In fact, here's another glorious item from the wingnut mail bag:
If you don't like this country and the way it is run then you have the wonderful option to move your stinking liberal doouche bag ass to say France, I am sure you would fit in wonderfully there. Understand the Obama is going to ruin this country in his short 4 years in office, this is a man who has no experience at running jack shit and it showing, that's why he has you liberal media blow hards sucking on his penis, it's called to fucking stupid to know better by most people though. Way to go you liberal piece of geniune 100% piece of shit!
Oh by the way smile cause GOD loves you even if I don't! Yea see I can use the word GOD and not one damn thing you can about it but delete the email and stew for a while.