Senator Barack Obama

CNN Smells Like Barbeque


With the dust having finally settled after the prolonged Democratic presidential primary, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama locked in a statistical dead heat in the race for the White House.

Oh look! Senators Obama and McBush are in a dead heat. In other words, tied. Wow. Senator McBush must be surging or something. Or maybe Senator Obama is slipping. So, just for shits and giggles, how close is it?

...the new survey out Tuesday indicates Obama holds a narrow 5-point advantage among registered voters nationwide over the Arizona senator, 50 percent to 45 percent.

50 to 45?! That's a statistical dead heat? What the hell is wrong with you, CNN? Wipe the barbeque off your mouths and tell us how 50-45 is a dead heat.

(h/t Kos)