
Crocodile Tears


After weeks of being hammered over the cancellation of shitty, outdated insurance policies, President Obama announced today that insurance companies will be allowed to continue selling shitty, outdated policies until 2014. But now that the president has announced this so-called “fix,” Republicans have suddenly come down with a bad case of skepticism that the “fix” they’ve been demanding will fix anything.

Speaking with reporters today, Speaker of the House John Boehner said he is “highly skeptical” that Obamacare can be saved.

“No one can identify anything the president could do administratively to keep his pledge that would be both legal and effective,” he said. “I am highly skeptical they can do this administratively.” [...]

Boehner called into question the White House’s credibility on health care. “You can’t fix this government run health care plan called Obamacare,” he said, declaring that it would “destroy” the “best health care delivery system in the world.”

We can’t fix it? But you’ve been demanding a fix for weeks.

You mean that was all bullshit designed to swing the narrative in your favor? Could have fooled me.

Republicans may have gained the upper hand over the past two weeks thanks in part to the horse-race fixation of the punditry but, just as they always have in the past, Republicans will inevitably overreach and negate their advantage.

President Obama left the GOP with very little to go on after today and we know they’re all too happy to repeal the law for a 45th (46th? I lost track) time.